Our Hearts and The Stars.

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I was feeling alone.
So I asked her for help.
Then we looked at the sky and realized, we weren't alone at all.

Through a shared affinity for the stars.
Something tied our hearts tighter together.

Even when she doesn't sleep next to me.
Something real keeps her by my side.
And I don't know what that is.
But maybe it lies in the stars that we both gaze longingly at.

Maybe it lies between the lyrics of the alternative bands that we both love.
Or the books that we read.
Or maybe it's just destiny
Which is something I didn't believe existed until I met her.

Yay more messy poetry that is just kinda raw emotion (even though this one isn't at all sad it's not poetic at all and ugh it bugs me).

Wishful Thinking// Poems Age 14-16Where stories live. Discover now