Chapter One: Effie

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"Don't be a stranger, Effie.", Haymitch says and I can already feel my heart sinking. Even though I know this is no 'farewell', I still dread the moment I have to watch him and Katniss walk away. But I have no other choice. They are being sent back to District 12. Back to where it all began. "I won't.", I whisper back and feel his strong arms embracing me, pulling me closer. I can feel his heart beating against my chest. Then, he pats a soft kiss onto my cheek and then, without hesitation, a kiss on my lips. It was a brief kiss, but it made his words sink in deeper. His warmth spreads through my entire body, even after we parted. "Take good care of her.", I say and he nods. He gives me one last look over his shoulder and then walks towards the small car, waiting to bring him and Katniss to the train station. With each step they both take, I can feel my heart shattering more and more. It will be a long time until I can see them again. I feel the tears stinging the backs of my eyes and allow one to escape, before I take a deep breath and wipe it away. There is still so much to do. But for now, I just watch Haymitch and Katniss disappear into the car and then around the corner. I even stand there a few minutes after they left. So much has changed in the last few weeks. I have changed. Even though I was quite safe in 13, I feared for each of them. So many lives were lost in this horrible war. Finnick, who was always so kind to me. Prim. Sweet, sweet Prim. Haymitch has told me that Katniss shot Coin because she knew, Coin killed her sister. I can't even imagine how Katniss must feel now. She was there. She saw it all, even nearly died herself. I'm surely not as strong as she is. I wake up every night from the nightmares that have started to haunt me, the day the Quarter-Quell was announced. I always knew, it was wrong to have innocent children kill each other, but I had to play along. It was expected of me. Now, even though so many have died, it's all over. No more Hunger Games, no more Reapings. All thanks to Katniss.

The cold wind sends a chill down to my bones and then I realize, that I have been standing outside of the presidential palace for too long. They must be waiting for me. I hurry back inside, where Annie Cresta crosses my way. "Oh, here you are. Paylor is looking for you.", she says and then walks outside. I take another deep breath and focus on what lies ahead. "Miss Trinket, there you are.", Commander Paylor says. She's much kinder than Coin. Much warmer and with much better hair. "I'm very sorry, Commander. Saying goodbye wasn't as easy as I thought.", I reply and sit down on a red velvet chair. She sits on the chair opposite of me and gives me a faint smile. "I can imagine. Katniss and Haymitch are dear friends of yours.", she says and folds her hands in her lap. The crackling fire in the fireplace sends it's heat through the room and chases away the cold from my limbs. "They are.", I whisper back and feel Haymitch's lips on mine again. I look back at Paylor and smile, in order to prevent the tears from falling again. I miss him and Katniss already. "Miss Trinket, you have been a very valuable person during the rebellion. A very important member of the Mockingjay's team. Now that there are no more Games, escorts are a thing of the past. However, I would still like you to care for the remaining Victors here in the Capitol, until they have been sent home. After that, it is completely up to you,what you want to do.", she says. I nod and fold my hands above my knee. "Thank you very much, Commander. Of course, I will take care of them as long as they need me.", I reply and my thoughts begin to race. What am I going to do when all this is over? I have been training to be a tribute escort since I was sixteen. I have been an escort for so long, that I have no idea what else to do. Paylor seems to notice and smiles at me. "No need to worry, Miss Trinket. You are a very intelligent woman with many talents. You have worked so hard for so long, I think it's time for you to rest for a while and then you can do whatever you like. We live in a free country now.",she says and leans back in her chair. "Thank you, Commander.", I say and smile back at her. "Feel free to visit me whenever you or the Victors need anything.", she says and rises up to shake my hand. "I will, thank you.", I reply and shake her hand before leaving the office.

One of her assistants hands me a clipboard with various plans for each Victor. Enobaria and Johanna have already left the Capitol with Commander Lyme. Beetee is working most of the time, so I mainly have to care for Annie and Peeta. I take a look at Annie's sheet and see a doctor's appointment scheduled in an hour. "Oh my, is she alright?", I ask the assistant, who's name I have forgotten. "She says she's feeling sick since a few days. Better get that checked.",he says and then says goodbye. "I'm sorry, wait a second.", I call after the assistant and he turns back around. "I just saw her leave the building, isn't she supposed to stay here until further notice?", I ask. Surely this man hasn't really been paying attention to what's going on around here. He points at the top of herplan and there is a short filming session scheduled with Cressida."Ah, sorry.", I apologize and then walk back outside. It started snowing while I was inside. I walk around the corner and see Cressida talking to Annie. I put on a smile and then walk right over to them."Hello you three, Annie, your doctor's appointment is in an hour, I'll join you there.", I say and gently stroke Annie's back. Poor thing is so pale. The loss of Finnick has surely rocked her the most. He was the love of her life. I immediately think of Haymitch and what would I have felt like if something had happened to him. A big knot forms in my chest and I have to close my eyes and tell myself that he's okay. He's alive. Annie nods her head and quietly whispers,"Thank you, Effie.".

"We're almost finished here.", Cressida says and then continues filming Annie, walking through the snow. Pollux is holding a camera and even though he can't speak, his eyes tell me, he has been crying a lot. He lost his brother. We all have been crying. We all lost people. But we must keep living and loving. For them.

An hour later, I'm waiting outside the examination room of the hospital, when suddenly Annie runs out crying. "Darling, darling, hush.", I bolt over to Annie and embrace her. "Shh, what's wrong?", I ask and just then, I see the smile on her face. "He's alive! He will always be with me! He lives in our baby!", she says. I believe this is the first time I see her smile since she and Finnick had to part ways. "Oh my dear, this is amazing!", I reply and embrace her again. She's pregnant and she's right. Finnick will always live on. Not only in our hearts, but also in his child. The doctor comes out and hands me a bottle of vitamins, Annie is supposed to take everyday from now on. I assure him, it will be taken care of and guide Annie back to the palace. "Annie, I am so deeply happy for you. You will be a wonderful mother.", I say to her and her face lightens up again. This time, she pulls me close for a hug and then storms inside. Cressida looks startled, as Annie rushes by her. "What did the doctor say?", Cressida wants to know. "She's pregnant.", I inform her and she smiles. "Finally some good news after all that has happened. Something to celebrate.", Cressida says and smiles before she walks back to Pollux, who was waiting for her outside. Sure, the victory of the rebels and the fall of Snow's regime are something to celebrate, but Annie and Finnick's unborn child is a far better reason. A celebration of life, of love. Something that makes gives us the hope for a bright and peaceful future.

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