Chapter Six: Haymitch

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It all feels so surreal.I'm holding Effie in my arms and she said yes. Well, actually, shescreamed it, but still, it feels so surreal. I feel like I amfloating. No booze has ever given me this feeling. I have never felthappier or more alive than in this moment. The peaceful feelinginside of me starts to grow and I know, that it will never go away. Icontinue to hold her close and then I gently tilt her head up andkiss her again. It feels like I'm dreaming, but it's all real. I takeEffie's hand and guide her back home. She never lets go of my handand I don't want her to. I want to hold her tight until the day Idie.

As we enter my house,Katniss and Peeta are already waiting for us and just as I expected,Effie runs over to them and hugs them. "We have wonderful,wonderful news!", Effie's excitement is overwhelming. And I loveit. The way her eyes sparkle, when she tells Katniss and Peeta thenews and shows them the ring and the way she smiles from ear to earmake me feel like the happiest man in the world. "Congratulations.",Peeta says and shakes my hand. "I'm so happy for you two.",Katniss says and hugs me. We sit down for dinner and Effie tells us,that she visted Tigris. "She'll be re-opening in four months andshe would love you all to come to the party. She also gave me a fewthings for you.", Effie says and gets up from the table. When shecomes back, she's carrying three big paper bags. "This one is forKatniss, this one for Peeta and this is for the love of my life.",she says and hands me the green paper bag with an adorable smile. Ismile back at her and pull a brand new, dark blue suit out of thebag. There's a matching purple shirt in there as well. "This isamazing.", I say and give Effie a kiss. Damn, it feels so good tokiss her. Tigris made a long, red coat with fur around the sleevesfor Katniss and a black suit for Peeta. "Wow, these arebeautiful.", Peeta says. Katniss' eyes suddenly get distant and weall know, what she's seeing. Images of the war. "Katniss?", Peetagently touches her shoulder and she snaps back to reality. "Yeah,it's very beautiful. I'd love to see Tigris again.", she says, buther voice sounds little and broken. "Okay, I think you should headhome now. We'll see you tomorrow.", I say and guide them to thedoor.

As soon as I turn around,Effie stands in front of me and wraps her arms around my neck. Shestarts kissing me passionately and a heat I haven't felt for yearsbegins to spread inside of me. "I want you.", she whispersbetween kisses and we walk over to the couch while she unbuttons myshirt. I carefully lay her down on her back and start kissing herneck. The scent of lavender coats her soft skin and the more I kissher, the more I want her.

"Ohshit! I'm sorry! I'm so, so sorry!", Peeta belts out and I jump offof Effie. "Peeta!", Effie says and slides the straps of her dressback onto her shoulders. I can't help, but laugh. I am also kind ofangry that we got interrupted. "Why did you walk in withoutknocking? That's what doors are for.", I mutter and sit down nextto Effie. Peeta is trying very hard, not to laugh and fails. "I,uhm, I just forgot the, the... gifts. I'll just get them.", he saysand gets the bags from Tigris. "I'll just leave you both to itthen.", he says and then leaves my house. As he leaves, I lean backand close my eyes. "That boy has a terrible sense of timing.", Isay and suddenly, Effie is sitting on my lap. She gently caresses myface and smiles. "I love you, Haymitch Abernathy.", she whispersand begins to kiss me again. I wrap my arms around her waist and holdher tight. I'll never let her go again. Many years ago, I made myselfthe promise to never fall in love. To never have anyone Snow couldtake away from me. But he's gone and we're all free now. No one hasto fear for their loved ones anymore or their children. The time offear and death is over.

Effie falls asleep in myarms that night. I watch her sleep for a while and feel her steadybreath against my skin. Tonight, I won't be clutching a knife to wardoff the nightmares. I'll be holding Effie. I gently kiss her foreheadbefore I close my eyes and fall asleep. And for the first time inover twenty-six years, I have no nightmares.

When I wake up the nextmorning, Effie's eyes are the first thing I see. Her blue eyes arelooking at me and her lips are curled into a smile. "Good morning,Sunshine.", I mutter and wrap my arms around her again. I feel solucky, so incredibly lucky, that I can wake up and see her next tome. We stay in bed, wrapped up in each other for a while until mystomach growls. "I guess that's the sign to get up.", I say andkiss Effie one more time before I sit up. I take a look around theroom and can't seem to find my pants. "Do you know where my pantsare?", I ask and Effie laughs. She wraps her arms around me frombehind and says, "I guess you forgot them on the staircase". Shegives me a kiss on the cheek and I get a fresh pair of underwear fromthe drawer. Then I grab my bathrobe and smile at Effie. I walk overto her and hold her face between my hands. "You are so beautiful.",I whisper and kiss her softly. "Damn it, Abernathy!", I hearGreasy Sae shout when she enters my house. "I'll wait downstairs.",I say and then let Effie get dressed. Before I leave, I give her onelast kiss and then walk downstairs to Greasy Sae. "What are you sosmiley about? Your clothes are all over the place. Have you been....oh.", she says and her eyes grow wider as she picks up Effie's pinklace bra. A wide grin creeps over her face and I snatch it out of herhands. "Give me that.", I say and put the bra in the pocket of myrobe. "So who is the lucky Lady?", she curiously asks. "You'llsee her in a minute.", I say and begin to pick up our clothes, wecarelessly tossed aside last night. Greasy Sae walks off into thekitchen, laughing and I shake my head. I feel a little embarassed,but not as embarassed as yesterday, when Peeta suddenly ran in. AfterI picked up the clothes and put them in the laundry basket, I joinGreasy Sae in the kitchen and pour myself a cup of coffee. A fewmoments later, Effie walks in. She's wearing a yellow dress withflowers on it and her Hair is pulled back into a ponytail. "Sothat's the lucky Lady.", Greasy Sae says and Effie says goodmorning. She kisses me and then sits down and pours herself a cup ofcoffee as well. "Care to introduce me, Abernathy?", Greasy Saeasks. "You've already met in 13, Sae. This is Effie.", I say andtake another sip. "Oh, I didn't recognize you. You look beautiful,dear.", she says and Effie smiles. "Thank you. I feel amazing,too.", Effie replies and caresses my face. Greasy Sae gives us twobowls of porrige and then takes Effie's hand. "Oh my, what is thislittle thing?", she asks and smiles at Effie. "Congratulations.",she adds and then smacks the back of my head. "When were youplanning to tell me?", she asks and Effie laughs. "After Ifinished my coffee.", I mutter. "Oh Haymitch, don't be sogrumpy.", Effie says and I can't help but smile a little. While weeat breakfast, Effie tells Greasy Sae all about my proposal and howromantic it was. "Didn't know Mister Grumpy-Face over here could beromantic.", Greasy Sae says. "Ha-ha, very funny.", I mutter andget up to take a shower. "Oh darling, don't be mad. I was quitesurprised myself.", Effie says and gets up to wrap her arms aroundmy neck again. "And I loved every second of it.", she adds andkisses me again. "You know what, Effie? I've had a thought.", Isay and she smirks at me. "You don't say!", she replies and makesme laugh. "I thought, we could have a big wedding in the Capitolwhile we're there for Tigris' opening and a small one here in 12.And...", I speak a bit louder, so Greasy Sae can hear me, "Ithought the best cook I know could take care of the food for ourwedding here in 12."

"Iheard you, Abernathy and yes. I'll do it. But not because you'rebuttering me like toast!", Greasy Sae shouts over from the kitchen.Effie smiles and her eyes begin to sparkle with excitement again."That's an amazing idea! I better start planning. Four months isnot a lot of time to plan a wedding.", Effie tends to talk a lotfaster when she's excited. "Calm down, Sunshine. I have full trustin you. After all, you are the planning master.", I say and kissher. "You're right. Anyway, better get to it right away. It's goingto be a big, big, big day!", she trills and walks off to the officeto start her planning marathon. "She's quite the contrast to you,you know.", Greasy Sae says from behind me. "Yeah, and I loveevery bit of it.", I reply and then walk upstairs to take a shower.

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