Chapter Three: Effie

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"Alright,just a few more things left to do and we'll get you to the train atsix.", I inform Peeta, who has been doing so well, lately. Ofcourse, he's far from whole, but I believe once he's home andreunited with Katniss, it'll get better. I wonder, when the votingofficially starts, so I can end my work here and go back to Haymitch.I miss him so much and it has been a week since our last phone call.I try to distract me with all the work I can get, but at the end ofthe day, when I get back into my appartment, it hits me. The longing,the pain. The pain I see in almost everyone's eyes. It surrounds usall and I have plenty of my own. That's why I try not to let itconsume me. I try to tell myself, that I'll be able to see Haymitchagain. I'll be able to see Katniss again, but for now, I have to stayhere and help Paylor. And today, I have to get Peeta ready for histrip back home. It was offered to him to stay here, but he wanted togo back to Katniss. He needs her as much as she needs him. And asmuch as I need Haymitch. If someone would've told me I would fall inlove with him a few years ago, I would've slapped them across theface with my silk gloves. All I ever saw was the surly alcoholic,that spent most of his time drinking himself into a coma. But sincethe Quarter-Quell, he has changed. I have changed. We gave each othersupport when the other needed it. Made the other laugh when they feltlike bursting into tears. I have never told him that because I neverthought he would see me that way. That I was merely a friend to him.Not until he and I parted ways I realized that he felt something forme, too. He gently calls me, "Sunshine", whenever we talk on thephone. I'm not a fan of nicknames, but when he calls me his"Sunshine", it feels so genuine and sweet. I can't help butsmile, when I think about him. Only as soon as I realize he's notwith me, a sting goes right through my heart.

"Effie,will you be visiting us in 12?", Peeta asks while I take him to thestation. I smile at him. "Of course I will! As soon as the votingsare over, which can take another two months, I will be on the firsttrain heading towards 12. I promise.", I answer and he gives me acharming smile back. We get out of the car and before he boards thetrain, he hugs me. "Take good care of yourself, Effie and make sureeveryone's at their place on time.", he says and grins. "Oh,don't you make fun of me, young man!", I smile. "I will take careof myself and you take care of yourself, Katniss and Haymitch, too.",I add and then pull out an envelope from my purse. "Peeta, couldyou give this letter to Haymitch, please?", I ask and he assures mehe'll give it to him, first thing.

I watch Peeta board thetrain and the train leave the station. A few tears escape my eyesbefore I head back to Paylor's office in the presidential palace. Wespend the rest of the day rehearsing a speech and checking the latestrates of the votings. It looks very good for her. Her competitors,Commander Lyme, from District 2, and Commander Jones, from District6, aren't looking bad either and, thankfully, everyone is keeping itvery civilized and would be greatful for the other, if they won. "Theway things are looking, we might start calling you 'President Paylor'soon.", I say and Paylor smiles at me. "Let's not jump to anyconclusions before the voting is over. The official ending will be intwo months. Then, we will celebrate, no matter who wins. Because weall have the best for Panem in mind. But of course, I personallythink I'm the best suited for the job. Lyme is too harsh and Jones istoo soft. I like to place myself somewhere along the middle.", shereplies and smiles again. She signs a few last papers, before shedismisses her assistants and rises from her desk. "And, MissTrinket...", she takes my hands and looks into my eyes, "If I dowin, I promise, that I will pardon Katniss Everdeen for shootingCoin. We all knew, Coin wasn't much better than Snow. She willinglyand purposely killed over one hundred children and her own medics,including Primrose Everdeen. The girl was too young to be in theCapitol in the first place. Coin placed her there. Why, well, we'llprobably never know, but I'm happy she's gone.", Paylor says."Thank you, Commander. I never really trusted her anyway. You, onthe other hand, I do trust.", I reply and she smiles at me again."I'm very happy to hear that. I'll see you tomorrow, MissTrinket.", she says and dismisses me. I walk out of her office anddecide to walk back to my appartment. It's not far away, but usually,a driver takes me home. As I walk through the streets of the Capitol,I decide to visit an old friend before heading home. Her shop isn'tfar away. Cressida told me how she helped them during the war.

Her shop is currentlybeing renovated. She has been rewarded for helping Katniss and therest of Squad 451. I carefully open the door and see her standing infront of a bunch of new mannequins. "Tigris, my friend.", I greether and she turns around. Her cat-like face lightens up in a smile,when she sees me. "Effie Trinket, I'm happy to see you here.",she says and welcomes me in her shop. "I have made something foryou.", she says and walks to the back to get a beautiful fur coatwith brown and golden fur. "For the Golden Lady.", she says andhands me the coat. "It's so beautiful, Tigris. Thank you!", I sayand take off my gloves to run my hands over the soft fur. "I cameto visit you to say thank you for everything you have done to helpKatniss and the others. They wouldn't have made it without you.", Isay and her face lightens up again. "Well, I couldn't say no to theGirl on Fire, could I?", she asks. We both laugh and talk about howthings are going now. Once her shop is renovated, she wants to host are-opening party. She invites me and Katniss and tells me, that eachmember of 451 is welcome. "I don't think we will be seeing Galeagain. He and Katniss, they didn't part too well. Coin used hisdesign for the bombs.", I say. Tigris knows, that Primrose diedduring the bombings at the palace. She nods and then tells me tovisit her again soon. I promise her that I will and inform her of myplans to go to District 12. "Amazing. I will give you gifts forKatniss and Peeta before you leave.", she says. "See you soon,Tigris.", I say and walk back out of her shop.

As I get back home, Itake off my shoes, my dress, my corset and my wig. I remove themakeup from my face and look at myself in the mirror. My natural hairis almost as golden as my wig, only not so sparkly. Only the hints ofcolor, tattooed onto my face many years ago, show that I am from theCapitol. If I didn't have them, I'd look like someone from theDistricts. I have always felt less confident, when I didn't wear awig or makeup. But then Haymitch made me feel better about myself. Hesaw the 'real' Effie, the one behind all the glitter and brightcolors. I take a shower and then go to bed, where I quickly fallasleep. The next morning, when I begin to get ready for the day, Ilook at myself again and make a decision.

I choose the foundation,which is closest to my skin tone and apply a thin layer, covering thetattoos. Then I gently fill in my eyebrows and only apply a littlebit of makeup. I straighten my natural, gold-blonde hair and see the'real' me. Not the one hiding behind colorful outfits and creativewigs. The real Effie. The one Haymitch calls 'Sunshine'. I walk overto my closet and find an old pair of black slacks. I choose a goldenblousse and a black blazer to match them, along with a pair of blackboots. Again, I take a look at myself in the mirror and smile. Today,everyone will see the 'real' Effie Trinket. And I will feel goodabout it.

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