Chapter Eight: Haymitch

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I have never been thisnervous in my entire life. My palms are sweaty, I'm shaking all overand my heart is beating so fast, I'm almost worried to have a heartattack. Just a few more minutes and she'll walk out that door, downthose steps and become my wife. Peeta gives me a pat on the back andsmiles at me. Then, the music starts. I look up to the balcony, thesun is shining right at it and the doors swing open. I see a soft,golden light shimmer from inside the building and when she walks out,I nearly tip over. She looks breathtakingly beautiful. The sunlightreflects in the golden parts of her dress and she literally is now,my Sunshine. She's glowing. I can't find a better discription. Ican't hide the smile and all I want to do is run up to her and kissher. But I stay standing. A roar goes through the crowd of people,who gathered for the wedding. Even Paylor is here. Well, since we'rein her back yard, I guess it's mandatory for her to show up. Timestands still in this moment and all I see is my beautiful Sunshine,walking right up to me.

"Sunshine...", Iwhisper when she stands in front of me. I can't take my eyes off thisbeautiful woman. She smiles at me and I wish I could kiss heralready, but I have to wait. I take a deep breath and try to keep thetears of happiness inside, but a few of them are already escaping myeyes.

"No need to cry, Mr.Abernathy.", the man, who officiates our wedding says. I forgot hisname, but that doesn't matter anyway. The guests laugh at his commentand then I look at Effie. "Well, I can't help it. I'm marrying themost beautiful woman in the world.", I say and everyone seems tosay, "Aw...", at the same time. Effie smiles and I can see tearsin her eyes as well. We turn back to the man and he begins theceremony.

"Today, we have allgathered, to celebrate the union of Effie Trinket and HaymitchAbernathy. A woman from the Capitol and a man from District 12, whoare so different, have found each other. They have fought throughvery difficult times, as we all have, but never gave up on eachother. Their love is inspiring. A light in even the most darkest oftimes.", he says and Effie and I look at each other. She handsKatniss her flowers and a boy appears with two golden rings on acushion. "The pair has decided to write their own vows.", the mansays and Effie is the first to read her vow. She takes the cards fromKatniss and begins to read them, but most of the time, she looks intomy eyes.

"Dearest Haymitch,

As I first saw you, youwere quite a mess.", the guests begin to laugh, "The first thingI thought was, 'Please, someone take the bottle away from thatman'.", the guests laugh again and I chime in, "But I soonnoticed how kind and caring you are. You hide it very well, but onceI saw it, I could never forget it. The first time we worked togetherwas quite the adventure. When those poor children died, year afteryear, I began to think I was a horrible person. I thought I was justanother one of Snow's monsters. But you made me feel better. Youshowed me, that we were helping them. You gave me hope, that one day,it'll all be over. And it is now. But our story has just begun. Everytime I look at you, I see the love you give to me and the love I feelfor you. The moment our lips touched for the first time, was like themoment I was finally alive. Before, it was like I was living insideof a body that wasn't my own. Like I was a ghost, wandering aroundand looking to find peace. You give me that peace and more. With you,I feel alive. With you, I feel whole. And that's why I am taking youas my beloved husband from this day until the day I die. I promise tolove and respect you, in good and bad times. And I will forever beyour Sunshine.", her voice breaks in between sentences. Tears arerunning down my cheeks without anything stopping them. I take a deepbreath before I unfold my sheet of paper with shaking hands.


I never thought I couldlove anyone. I never thought anyone could ever love me. I'm not thenicest guy in the world and I do love a good drink. But especiallyafter everything that happened, I never thought that someone likeyou, someone so kind and beautiful, could love me. I remember thefirst time I saw you. It was my fifth year as mentor and I saw you atthe Tribute parade. You were wearing this bright blue dress withfeathers. I don't think you even acknowleged me back then but most ofall, I remember your smile. You were smiling from ear to ear andlaughing and then you looked at me. Your eyes were glowing withhappiness. I didn't see you after until you took over District 12 asan escort. At first, I didn't recognize you, but then you smiled atme. And ever since then, when I was helplessly drunk, because theimages of my past were too much or the kids just kept dying, youalways remained patient with me. Sure, we had a few disagreements,but you make me feel like a decent human being. Like I'm trying all Ican. You always managed to make me smile or laugh when I needed it.You always knew what to say and what to do. You kept me going. Andwhen I felt like giving up, you gave me that kick in the butt Ideserved. You're my light in the darkness and I promise to love andrespect you with every fiber of my being, until the day I die; ingood and bad times. Because you are my personal, beautifulSunshine.", I say and Effie can't hold back her tears either. Myvoice is shaky and I can hear basically everyone sniffing. Effietakes my hand and slides the ring on my finger. I then take her softhand and kiss it, before I hold up the ring and say, "I've gotsomething golden for you". She laughs slightly and I then slide thering onto her finger. "You may now kiss the bride.", the manannounces and I gently take her face between my hands before I closemy eyes and kiss her. She wraps her arms around my waist and timestands still. I loved every kiss Effie has given me, but this onefeels so pure. Maybe because it's the kiss, that makes her mineforever. I don't ever want to let her go and I don't have to. She'smine. I am her's. Forever. As we then look into each other's eyes, Ifeel something I have thought to be lost forever. A sense ofeverlasting peace. A sense of hope.

The End

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2015 ⏰

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