Chapter Four: Haymitch

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I'm standing at the trainstation of District 12 and wait for the train with Peeta to arrive.Katniss has finally left her house and is out hunting. She'll be inthe woods for a few hours, which gives Peeta some time to settle inand then surprise her. Maybe she'll actually be happy again. Maybe Iwill. The train arrives and as Peeta steps out, he's holding anenvelope. His face lightens up when he sees me and we greet eachother with a hug. "Good to see you, Peeta.", I say and pat hisback before we begin walking back to the Victor's Village. "Effiegave me this for you.", he says and hands me the envelope. "Shemisses you a lot. I could tell, without her saying anything.", headds and I take the envelope. My name is written carefully on it andI run my fingers over her handwriting. "Thank you. I miss her,too.", I say and then we continue to walk. I'm gonna read thisletter when I'm alone. I hate to let people see me cry and I bet Iwill, once I open it.

Now, that Katniss isfeeling better, I can grab myself a bottle and go home withoutworrying about her. Peeta's here now. Although, as I stand in frontof the crates with the booze, I hesitate. Is this really a good idea?I pull my hand away from the bottles and turn around. Peeta gives mea proud look and I glare at him. "Don't say anything.", I mutterand continue walking. He follows my order and is silent until wereach his house. "Before I get inside, I'll go for a walk. I needsome air.", Peeta says and I nod. "Be careful.", I say and walkinside my house. I sit down on the green couch in the living room andtake a deep breath. I stare at the envelope, laying on my lap, for awhile before I finally open the flap and take the letter out. Herhandwriting is elegant, yet a bit curly. I smile when I examine thewords on the yellow paper. Then, I start reading.

"Dear Haymitch,

I hope everything isgoing well in 12 and that you are all taking

good care of eachother. There's still much work to do here in the

Capitol. The votingsare going quite fast and the big, big, big day

is coming soon. Payloris ahead in ratings so far and everyone is

very optimistic. I ambeing treated very well and often they ask for

my opinion. I feelvery appreciated and respected, but all I can think

of, is you.

Ever since your lipshave touched mine, I yearn to feel them again.

I have decided toleave the Capitol, once everything is over. Paylor

wanted me to stay herewith her, as an advisor, but I can't spend

another minute withoutyou. After Paylor has officially been named

president, I will beon the first train to 12. We just have to wait a tiny

bit longer.

Take good care of eachother.

Your Sunshine,


Tiny drops of water falldown onto the paper and I lift my head up. I miss her so much.There's something else in the envelope, too. It's a photo of her, butshe looks different. Her natural blonde hair falls down to hershoulders and she's wearing a golden blousse. But the most beautifulthing about this picture is her smile. This smile is meant for me. Iwipe the tears out of my eyes and continue to look at her. I studyevery part of this beautiful picture. Even without the wig, she isgolden. My Sunshine. I see her glowing even more without all theartificial knick-knacks. Without all that makeup. I mean, she wasbeautiful with it, too, but now she really is breathtaking. I tilt myhead back and stare at the ceiling. How am I supposed to wait twomonths until I can finally hold her in my arms again? Then, suddenly,the TV beeps and the new seal of the new Panem appears. CaesarFlickerman, who still remains the face of Panem's media, greets theviewers with a smile. "Good afternoon, Panem. I am CaesarFlickerman and today, I have very exciting news. The votings are nowofficially over.", my heart skips a beat, but I continue to listen."All District leaders have cast their votes and I am proud toannounce, that Commander Paylor, from District 8, is our new woman incharge. Congratulations, Madam President. I am Caesar Flickerman andI wish you all a good day.", the screen turns black and I feel myheart beating up into my head. The votings are over. Already! I getto see Effie soon.

I almost jump off thecouch and rush over to the telephone. I am ready to dial her number,when it appears on the display and the phone rings.

"Effie!",I answer excited and hear her smile on the other end.

"Haymitch,I am just as surprised as you are.", she replies. "I will have towait until she officially takes over her new job. Did Peeta get homesafely?", she adds.

"Hedid and he gave me the letter. I really like the new look.", Ianswer and smile. I can hear her giggling on the other end and smilewider. "Very beautiful.", I whisper into the phone.

"Thankyou, Haymitch.", she says and then a voice in the background callsfor her. "I'm sorry, Paylor needs me. I'll be with you soon.",she says.

"Seeyou soon, Sunshine.", I reply and she hangs up. I slowly hang upthe phone and then look at the small picture in my hands again. "Seeyou soon, Sunshine.", I whisper to myself and then a knock on thedoor startles me. I walk over and open it. Peeta and Katniss arestanding there, both are smiling. "Hey, you two.", I greet themwith a smile on my face. I'm happy to see them feeling better andbeing able to smile again. I'm happy that Paylor won the election andmostly, I'm happy that I'll see Effie again soon. "Come oninside.", I say and welcome them in. Katniss is carrying a deadturkey she shot earlier and Peeta has some freashly baked bread."We'll make some soup out of this one.", Greasy Sae says as shesuddenly appears behind Katniss and grabs the bird by the neck. Shethen takes the bread and smells it. "Hmm, boy your bread is a giftfrom heaven.", she says and then carries everything into thekitchen, along with a few veggies and herbs.

After Greasy Sae finishedcooking, she goes back home to take care of her, currently sick,granddaughter. Katniss, Peeta and I all sit around the dinner table,eat the stew and then the small TV lights up. Again, CaesarFlickerman appears on the screen and tells us, that Paylor willofficially take over the office in a few minutes. The camera switchesto the presidential palace and I spot her. Wearing a golden dress.She sits at the far right side of the balcony and then Paylor walksout and takes over her role as the new president of Panem.

"She'sa good choice.", Peeta says. Katniss and I agree silently and thenI can't hold it in anymore. I take a deep breath and then look atthem. "Effie's coming to 12 soon and she's staying.", I say andPeeta nearly chokes on his soup. "What? Really? I thought she lovedthe Capitol so much.", he says. Katniss gives him a smile and thenmutters: "Well, I guess she loves Haymitch more." Damn it,Katniss! I sigh and shake my head. But I can't stay mad at her forlong and start laughing. "Finally! I thought you two would neveradmit it to yourselves.", Peeta says. "They even kissed eachother, the day I left the Captiol.", Katniss says. "I thought youdidn't notice.", I say and she shrugs. We finish our meal and thenI walk upstairs and go to bed. Before I close my eyes, I placeEffie's picture on my nightstand and look at it again. "See yousoon, Sunshine.", I whisper and then close my eyes. 

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