Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


He just kept staring at me.

Jim Avery just won't stop staring at me the little creep. It's now been almost two weeks since his message on Facebook and ever since then, he started to stare at me everywhere I was. I'm turning into madness! Why won't he stop? What is his problem? I don't get it!

After I noticed him continuously staring at me, I decided to glare back at him. Let's just say, it hasn't worked. I am so done now. I've had enough. I will freaking poke his eyes out if I have to!

I said to myself that I would walk up to him at the end of lunch to ask him what the hell he wants. But apparently he had other plans.

"He's on the move." Kaden said out of nowhere.

"What are you on about?" Carly asked. We all stared at Kaden in confusion.

"Jim, he's on the move, he has finally decided to stop the staring but I think he's walking towards us now." Kaden answered in a low voice.

I choked on my drink and stared at Kaden with wide eyes. I couldn't see what Kaden saw because I was sitting with my back towards Jim's spot to avoid his eyes even though I could still feel them on me.

"You've got to be shitting me, right?" I asked.

"Sorry, Andie..." Kaden answered whilst shaking his head in pity for me. That's when I knew it was too late for me to flee.

You see, we all had our own sort of hate for Jim. Where for Kaden it had been that Jim had punched him once, for Riley it had been that he had hit on Amanda multiple times. Even though it had turned out right because Kaden had knocked him out right after and Amanda never left Riley, they still hated him.

I really didn't want him to come over. But on the other hand, I really wanted to know what he wanted . Just so I could tell him to get lost and then I can stop wandering about it.

"Hello Andie." I heard a very smooth voice coming from behind me. It made me cringe because I knew what he always used it for. This was the exact same voice he would use just to get girls to their knees and crawl after his nice looking butt. Yes, he does have a nice looking butt.

I took a deep breath and slowly turned around to look at the person behind me. There he was standing like he was a god with a very convincing smirk.

"Hello Jim." I said back with a steady voice.

I saw Amanda and Riley stand up from the corner of my eyes. They walked past Jim and didn't even give him a glance. Not that he deserved it. Jim's eyes followed them as they walked past him.

"See you guys later, it was nice catching up!" Jim yelled after them only to get flipped off by Amanda without her even looking at him.

"Ouch." Jim laughed sarcastically. He turned his attention back to me. He smirked at me again while I was just sitting there with a bored expression on my face.

"Why are you here Jim?" I asked sounding annoyed and bored. Well that was exactly what I was. That boy really did get on my nerves.

"Well... I didn't think you'd ask that right away... But I might as well say it."

"Yeah, you might as well do." I urged him.

"I want you to go out with me." He said looking very serious.

"You can want a lot of things but this won't happen." I scoffed and turned back around to my food at those words. I heard him laugh.

"Aw, c'mon Andie." He tried again.

"Bye, Jim." I saw Carly wave at him mockingly.

"Fine. I'll come back later." He sounded angry, not that I cared.

"No you won't." I heard him huff as he walked away.

"Annoying little-"

"Kaden!" Carly cut Kaden off. Carly hated Jim the least in our group. She didn't have the right reason yet. But we all hoped it would stay that way. Carly was a sweetheart and we didn't want to ruin someone just yet for her.

"At least we now know what the sucker wanted." Kaden said. He still looked very annoyed because of Jims little visit.

"Thank god, now we can hopefully rest in peace." Cheryl said. We laughed at her.

The bell rang. And we were about to get our stuff until I remembered something.

"Hey tonight is still on right?" I asked. It was the first Friday of the month and that is our usual club night. We were all in love with our club nights. No night was better then that.

They all turned to me and looked at me like I was crazy.

"I'll take that as a yes."

And it really was a yes. It was 8 o' clock on the dot when I heard the doorbell ring. That should be the girls like always. I ran to the door and opened. I saw Cheryl standing next to Carly smirking while Carly just looked very excited. I just missed one person.

"Amanda isn't here. She and Riley aren't coming tonight because it's their anniversary of I don't know how many months." Cheryl explained as if she could read my mind. I sometimes thought she actually did.

"Could've expected it. Couldn't they have celebrated that with us?" I asked, annoyed. I hate it when they would set us up for something like that.

"Well you know what their celebration exists of so no. Thank god they didn't want to celebrate that with us. You should be very thankful. Oh and by the way, Carly bought an amazing new outfit because she wants some attention tonight and that will be our mission for this evening."

"Well, well Carly. So you are looking for a guy tonight?" I asked her whilst bumping our shoulder together while we were walking to my room.

"Yeah, I was feeling like I wanted some fun so I thought, why not? It's not like it will hurt anyone to go and flirt a bit with some guys." She winked at me and giggled.

This night was going to be amazing.


Sorry for the long wait. School decided to occupy all of my time but hopefully I will have more time now because summer vacation is finally coming up! I will have way more spare time and will use it. Thank you for reading my story.


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