Chapter 5: Why?

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I'm just curled up into a ball, wishing I could die. I hurt all over, my body seems to have shut down and I can hardly breath. I just sit crying until I feel a comforting arm around my shoulders. I look up and see Luke sat with his arms around me and he just holds me, gently rocking me back and forth. I cry into his chest and after what seems like hours, I feel too tired to do anything. I can barely move but I feel my self being picked up bridle style and I just cuddle into who ever has a hold of me.


I wake up a few hours later to a soft bed, a nice hot water bottle, some chocolate and a force stopping me from moving. I realise the force is Luke and I try to sit up. But Luke was having none of it and he just cuddle closer and when I turned over I was met with his blue eyes and any worries were forgotten.

"Hi..." He seems nervous but I don't care.
"Hi, are you okay?" I remember him and Taylor.
"I'm more worried about you, are you okay?" I see the panic on his face.
"Ye, I'm just emotional and cranky and sad but other than that I'm really happy." I feel my lips tug into a smile and I see Luke grin at me.
"Well, if your okay I was wondering if you wanted to come watch us practise?" I'm confused, practise what? He must have seen the confusion on my face because he mentioned something about songs and music and before I can even think, I hear myself agree.
"Ye, I would love to."
"Really, cool I'll pick you up at seven." I realise we are nose to nose and before anything can happen I feel his lips on mine, his lip ring cold against my skin and I finally hear the shouts of Ashton walking up stairs.


I'm sat on a bench just listening to the boys new song. They are amazing and I'm just stunned.
"She said to me, forget what you thought cause Good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught, so just turn around and forget what you saw, cause Good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught." I realise I'm clapping like a mad person and I stop. I feel a blush plaster my face and I guess the boys feel the same. I feel so happy and then I remember what happened yesterday. I'm not remembering how cute Luke was when he was playing nurse, I wasn't remember the kiss, I was remembering his lips on hers. I don't realise I'm crying until I'm enveloped in Luke's arms. As soon as my body connects with his I break down in sobs, I feel him stroke my hair and whisper it's okay. He suddenly gets up and I feel alone, my hearing seems to be messed up because everything sounds faint. My hearing comes back as I hear a shout and I look up in surprise. Ashton is shouting at Luke and Luke is just absorbing it all. I hear the words Josh and dead but I can't hear the rest. My mind still hurts but I get up and rush between them. I feel light headed as I scream at Ashton to stop and he suddenly does. I see the hint of sadness mixed into his eyes but it is getting lost in the anger. He hugs me, tells me he loves me and leaves. I'm so confused but I just fall to the floor from being light headed. I suddenly can't breath and my entire body feels like it's on fire. I try to scream but no words come out. That is all I feel before being hurried to a car and then everything blacks out...

Hi guys so tension is high and Mel has ... Hahaha I'm not telling you *sticks tongue out at your anger* find out tomorrow.
Bye for now

Mia xxx 😈

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