Chapter 19:Luke

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Mel's POV
3 months later:
I love him. I managed to forgive him and we got back together. I still party while he's on tour but I never cheat. NEVER. I'm still depressed and I miss them all. It's 3am and they boys have been back for a while. They think I'm asleep. I get up and get dressed slipping into my skinny jeans and a white tee shirt. I grab my phone and write the notes. I feel the tears drop down my face as I write the last letter... Love Mel X
I write the last name on the envelope Luke and I slip out my room. Walter greets me as I go down the stairs and I tell him to stay here. I cry into his fur and tell him goodbye, I'll miss him. He whines as I let go and walk towards the door, I tell him to shh and I silently slip out the door...

Ashton's POV
I wake up to Walter whining at the door. I tell him to shut up and he leaves. I try to get back to sleep when I hear Walter bark. I notice it's his panicked bark and I bolt up. I wake the others in the progress and we all rush down the stairs.
"Ash, what's happened, why are we down here?" Michael is half asleep and Calum nudges him in the ribs.
"Ash?" I look in Luke's direction to see the panicked look on his face.
"Where's Mel?" Luke looks terrified and Walter bolts up stairs. I grab a bat and follow him we all slowly open the door to find a candle in the middle of a paper circle. Each note has one of our names on it, I carefully pick mine up and scan over the words. It falls from my hands as I finish, Calum picks it up and reads it.
"Mel's committing suicide..." I bolt out the house running to the one place she will be. The quarry...

Mel's POV
I step up to the barrier and look longingly down at the shard rocks that would be my final resting place. I feel the tears run down my face as I turn my laptop on one last time and play the video I prepared. It's a collage of pictures I prepared a while back. There are pictures of me and my parents when I was born. I get a pain in my chest as I think about them.
"Soon" I whisper looking up at the sky. I look back at my laptop and see pictures of me and Ashton growing up. I see pictures of all of us when we were kids, when I was happy. I laugh at the pictures of us covered in mud after creating a business of selling mud pies. Each picture causes my heart to break more as I get to more recent pictures. There are ones of me and Ashton the day we went out before he left, pictures of me and Louis at the concert and our shopping trip. The ones of us trying on our new outfits, the ones I got when I got with Luke again. The video ends and goes back to the beginning,
For my amazing brother and my two best friends Michael and Calum xxx.
The first thing they will see once they open the laptop. I pull the pen drive out my pocket and lay it on top of the laptop. The sticky label Luke is visible and I swallow back all the regret and lies and take off my jacket. I climb over the barrier and look down at my fate...

Luke's POV
I run after Ashton. I'm hot on his heels. Michael and Calum are alittle bit behind us and as we run across the frosty grass I hear a shout behind me. I turn to see Michael has slipped and Calum is dragging him up. I hear Michael curse but I keep running. I can't hear anything except the sound of my ragged breath as I run towards the quarry edge. Then I see her. I call her name and she turns around. Ashton is stood talking to her and I can see the tears streaming down her face. She looks at me and I step forward. I walk forward step by step as Michael and Calum pick up her laptop and a pen drive.
"Im sorry." I hear her voice crack as she tries not to break, I shake my head and tell her it's fine. I reach my hand out and hold it out to her as she wipes her eyes. I give her a pleading look and hold my hand out for her to take. That's when she slips...

Hi guys so sorry I'm trying to make this a long chapter I'm probably going to make the last chapter 1000 words so I hope you like it. Hope you liked this chapter it was really hard to write. Thx xxx Mia X

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