Chapter 24

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     Rafferty stood by he exit, his head held high and his eyes watchful. The flower petals the entire throne room was littered with made his nose itch, and the dazzling light projected by the crystal candle-holders hurt his eyes. Until a few moments ago, he'd been sitting in the darkness of the palace's catacombs, trying to prepare himself for the level of social activity he would have to put up with.
    The chattering and laughing of those who had already spent too long near the wine kegs was giving him a headache and the din of the noble children screeching and fighting made falling on his sword a likable alternative. He didn't even want to think about the unwanted female attention he'd been getting recently. He'd already had to fight off a pile of court whores who had squirmed out of the woodwork for the celebration. Apparently, Siofra wasn't the only female feeling fertile this week.
    He shuddered.
    "You look like an old man when you frown like that." Avalbane snorted, appearing beside him.
    "I am an old man." He groused, glancing down at her. "You've got ash on your cheek."
    "Well, what do you expect? I've been working all day. There's still a lot of people needing my attention. I wouldn't have bothered coming if I wasn't so eager to see my brother dressed properly for once."
    "I'm fine." She assured him, hearing the skepticism in his tone, the unspoken words hidden beneath he simply syllables of her name. "I am saving my grief for when I have proof that it is necessary. I've got to go check on Siva's elixir."
    "Better make it strong." He sighed, knowing Siva would need every bit of the help.
    "Smile, General." She snickered. "You've got company."
    Rafferty saw the courtesans coming, their eyes hungry. "Damn this uniform." He muttered reaching out to snatch Avalbane back in order to save himself from the unwanted affections. But she was gone, probably somewhere watching and laughing at his plight. Why couldn't she be jealous like any good, normal woman?!
    "What did you get this medal for General?"
    "Is it true the king saved your life during the war?"
    "Why don't you have a wife? Do you like men?"
    "I heard he was in love with the king."
    "I would make a good wife."
    "It's true." He whispered, feeling suffocated and sick as a gaggle of women surrounded him, blabbering nonsense and coming damn near molesting him. "I'm in love with the king."
    "Oh, are you his consort?"
    "That would be fun to watch."
    "The Queen wouldn't allow that."
    "I bet she would."
    "Don't you want children, Raffertty? I've been told I have wonderful hips for birthing."
    "Your hips are lovely, but I don't like kids." He didn't hit women, but he certainly wished he did. "I'm really not interested, ladies. So-"
    The room hushed and all eyes turned toward the platform where the thrones usually sat. Today it had been transformed into a stage, an alter almost. Standing in it's center, was Siofra.
    Her long, red waves fell around her shoulders, a sharp contrast against the flowing white gown. Her arms were adorned with golden bangles that matched the golden headpiece setting neatly on her head, keeping her otherwise untamed locks from her face. All exposed skin was dusted with a fine white powder than made her skin shimmer in the light and her lips were painted red like the petals of a rose.
    Everyone stared in awe of her beauty, even Rafferty, whose heart was just now warming to the idea of affection again. Even when he knew beneath all her shine was a broken heart, he was nearly fooled by her charming smile as she addressed the crowd.
    "Good evening, I'm glad you have all come." She said, projecting her voice with magic as it was unladylike to shout. "I'm sure the King will be with us shortly. Please, have a dance while we wait."
    The musicians immediately began to play and she shot Raff a look that said demanded his presence. Glad to get away, he cut through the throng of exuberant people and approached his Queen with a deep bow and a smile.
    "You look lovely, My Lady."
    "Where is Siva?" She inquired, her ruddy eyes full of concern.
    "Do you want me to go find him?"
    "I've already sent his servants searching." Holding out her hand, she sighed. "Dance with me so I do not sit up here alone looking like a fool."
    "It would be an honor, Your Highness."
    With a totally unnecessary flourish, he swept her away down the few steps and into the middle of he dance floor. She scowled at him, but only briefly as she did not want any one else to see. He chuckled and spun her. She could hear the women swooning around them. Raff was quite the looker, and he was a marvelous dancer, but he had his secret issues.
    "You're going to make Siva look bad." She scolds softly as he drew her in and dipped her low.
    "He's already made himself look bad by being tardy." The General replied. "Besides, I haven't gotten to dance with you since you were a little girl. At least now you do not have to stand on my boots."
    "You were only the captain of the guard then." She remembered. "I hope you will be around to dance with my daughter as well."
    "I don't plan on going anywhere." He assured her. "I'm old, but I'm not old enough to die."
    "But old enough to retire."
    He stopped her dead in he center of the floor. "What?"
    "You could settle down, be married. Wouldn't you like that? Never to be in harm's way again?" Not wanting to cause a scene she began to move him about until he picked their dance back up.
    "Have I done something to anger you?"
    "No. But I have too few precious people left. I would like it if you would accept my offer and settle down."
    "If it pleases her majesty." He breathed.
    "I won't force you, Raff. I just thought perhaps you would enjoy life more if you were free to do as you wanted. Avalbane would make a suitable wife."
    He laughed at that. "Marrying that woman would be like marrying the wind. What has gotten into you Siofra? You're acting like a silly little princess again."
    "I'm nervous." She confessed sadly, though she let none of her apprehension show on her face, he heard it in her voice. "I feel like something big is about to happen, and I don't know for good or Ill. Something is looming and no matter how I ask, Faery only gives me cryptic hints."
    "I'm sure everything will be fine."
    "It has something to do with Sverre."
    "Siofra, Sverre's-"
    "He's not. Faery told me that much. Not yet, at least." The song ended and he escorted her back to her throne quietly. "When this is over, will you take Avalbane home and wait with her there?"
    "There's really no need to play matchmaker, Your Grace."
    "Will you do as I have asked, General?"
    Rafferty looked a little puzzled, but bowed and agreed nonetheless.
    Just as Siofra was about to ask for another song, Siva appeared near his throne, as if he'd been hiding there. He waved at the audience and then bowed to his Queen. "I apologize for being late. I lost track of time."
    She rose and gave him a half-hearted curtsy, noticing how barren his ears and fingers were. Usually, the man drowned himself in gems, and here he was without a single ruby or sapphire. It didn't take long however for her attention to become drawn to his outfit rather it's lack of accessories. It was painful to see him dressed in something she'd only ever pictured his brother wearing. The look in his eyes told her it was no less uncomfortable for him.
    Offering her his hand they descended into the crowd again, mingling and giving blessings and other such pleasantries. Siva just operated on auto-pilot, smiling here, nodding there, giving the occasional 'Nice to see you, thanks for coming.' It was all empty, fake. This was the last place he wanted to be, and the only place he had no choice but to be.
    Poor Siofra. He'd greatly underestimated her problems. All these years she'd walked the halls of this castle, a shell dressed in finery, miserable and alone, forced to laugh and sing. She truly was a thing of beauty, a priceless treasure to be admired and adored for all time. If only his stupid body could think the same.
    "Looks like Rafferty is really having a hard time." Siofra sighed, nudging him in the side and bringing him out of his thoughts. They both looked over at Raff, who was literally holding woman at bay with both his hands. "It's his fault for not marrying sooner, but still, have those girls no shame?"
    "They're courtesans, what do you expect? They're just looking for a way out. Marrying a man like Raff would get them set for life with little to no whoring around." Siva muttered, not at all interested in his friend's excess of women at that moment. "I need some air."
    "Siva?" She followed him as he passed through the sea of people, escaping out onto the terrace where that hellacious ice sculpture sat, waiting to disgust her. Ignoring it the best she was able, she came to lean against the balustrade beside her forlorn king.
    "I'm sorry. I just can't seem to get it together." He breathed, burying his face in his palm. "Knowing I've lost Grayson is eating me up inside, and Sverre...I can't shake this shit off. I can't fake it."
    "It takes a great deal of practice." She whispered, laying her head on his shoulder. "Try to have faith."
    "In what?" He snorted. "In Faery? What can Faery do?"
    Seriously? He was going to ask that? What did he mean what could Faery do? Feary could do what ever it needed to do. Had he not just witnessed her put out a raging fire with Faery's help? She did not reprimand him, however, knowing the pain he felt all too well.
    "I can't help you, Siva. My magic can not heal the wounds of the heart. I have tried many, many times."
    "Rafferty lost his Bane centuries ago, and he's just now opening back up. How am I going to show love toward a child if I can not even feel? If Faery had any sense, it would never have made me your king. It would never have put me here in my brother's place."
    "Faery didn't. My mother did." Siofra confessed. "When she went to Faery to ask it whom I should marry in Sverre's stead, it refused to answer her. So, she just picked what she hoped would be the next best thing."
    "Are you fucking kidding me?"
    "Fucking?" It sounded horrible coming off of her tongue and he sighed.
    "It's a curse. Don't say it. I'm sorry. I can't even think straight right now." He closed his mouth and did not intend upon opening it again. It wasn't Siofra's fault he was hurting, and to be honest, he was appalled by the way he was acting. If he could have controlled himself, he would have, but he was too passionate to keep his feelings bottle up. So, it was best he just keep his mouth shut.
    "Hey, you two," Raff greeted, "Av is ready when you are."
    "Right." Siofra turned, taking Siva's hand as she went, and hurried back up onto the dais. Avalbane had set up a small table, on which a bottle sat between two large, gilded chalices. Siva wanted to be sick. Not only had his own sister mixed him up a huge batch of Faery-style Ecstasy, but he was going to be forced to get a boner in front of the whole kingdom.
    Av began to drone on about the importance of that moment and the traditions behind all the nonsense about to happen, but all he could think about was why this had to be such a public affair. He understood that all of Faery depended on his reproduction value, but still, did he have to get horny on a stage? Perhaps spending so much time among humans had altered his view of the whole mess. As vulgar as they were, humans were strangely shy about such things. It was a contradiction he hadn't quite understood but had apparently acquired. 
    "Siva?" Avalbane bumped his hand, trying to get him to accept his cup. "You're already blushing." She teased quietly. "It's a perfectly natural thing."
    Siofra took a drink from her own chalice, which simply contained fertility enhancing herbs. She eyed him over the rim of the cup, waiting, he knew, for him to consume the contents of his own.
    Taking a deep breath, he downed it like a champ and set the cup down slowly as Siofra did the same. Avalbane took he and Siofra's hands and smiled at the people. "And so it has begun! By the end of the week, our futures will be secured. Let all of Faery rejoice!"
    There was a loud chorus of hoorah's and hails, but all Siva could do was pull his hand from his sister's, already feeling the effects of the drugs. His whole body was hot and every single person in the room looked doable to him. This was not good, nor was it fair. He looked at Siofra pleadingly as the crotch of his pants grew tight. Avalbane patted him on the shoulder.
    "Don't look so nervous, brother." She grinned. "Just do what you do."
    Yeah. He was going to do something, that was for damn sure. "How long does this last?" He questioned in a tight voice.
    "Well into morning. I gave you a little extra to make sure things went the right way."
    "If you'll excuse us," Siofra turned and addressed her subjects. "I really should take our King out of here." The crowd cheered and clapped. "Please continue to celebrate along with us as long as you-"
    Siva didn't wait for her to finish. He scooped her up and made a run for it, which only caused the partygoers to cry out more loudly.

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