Important Note

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First off I want to apologize for waiting so long to write another chapter. I hope all of you readers understand that I did want to write,but writers block would not let go of me. Also there is one chapter left then there will be an epilogue. I spent 2 days editing the entire story so that  means my punctuation, grammar, story line, and characters have been altered slightly. Since it is a very short story it will not hurt you to go back and read the previous chapters.  

To those of you who vote/comment: Thank you for doing so! It really does inspire me to write more when I see people correcting my tenses or voting for my chapters. Inside I feel better because I always see other author's with a thousand reads, votes, or comments. Thank you for making me feel as if my work is worthy of reading. 

A Country Not Your Own is a historical fiction that is co- written by NoniKai and I. I hope that once you finish reading The Perfect Sin you will go check that out. I can never say thank you even though you are a silent reader. 


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