Chapter 16- Automatics

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I kept my eye's close not wanting to see where I was. I knew I wasn't at Luke's castle and I knew I wasn't back at home. Strangely I didn't want to go home.

"Um, Hey are you okay? I know your awake your breathings deeper" a deep voice said by my side.

I jumped up with a gasp. Who the hell was he?

"Where am I?" I asked even though I already knew the answer I still wanted it to be confirmed.

"Your at Hellhound Academy but you can just call it luxurious shit" He said with a sneer.

I looked around. The room was basically a dungeon. Everything was made of steel almost as though they were trying to contain us in it. Even my bed was made of steel. I looked up at the guy I was taller then him, but it seemed that his bad mouthing made up for his lack of height. He had on white shorts and shirt and even white hair, but that's not what stuck out for me. On his neck he had a pure white collar. He looked down and noticed what I was staring at.

"Oh this? I'm bought" I raised and eyebrow. What the heck does having a collar on your neck do with being bought?

"Hey smartass watch it" he growled his claws coming out a little.

"But I didn't say anything" I said, my temper coming out a little bit.

"But you thought it and directed it towards me" he said. I wasn't even going to bother figuring out how that was possible.

"When you have a white collar that means you were bought by someone here in the underworld, and black means you belong to Hades speaking of collars you better make yours visible before they come" he said.

"Make mine visible?" I said confusingly

"I love new pups 5, 4, 3, 2, 1" he chuckled

The steel door flew open and three large men came in covered in black right down to their faces.

"Collars" one commanded in a husky voice. The boy with the white hair raised his head showing his throat and collar. Loki rustled in me growling at the submission. The guard nodded his head.

"Good job, Ash"

Huh, so that's his name.

"Where's your collar Justin?" I looked at him baffled. How did he know my name?

"He's resisting, permission to use weapon?" An officer said behind him.

I growled. Were they expecting me to be submissive like Ash? Ha!

"Go ahead" the officer backed up and let the one behind him get infront. The officer that stepped forward had a small hand gun, raised it, then shot it at me. Loki tried to take over my body, but it was to late. When the bullet hit Loki and I did a shrill whimper. My body felt like it was on fire. Loki was wrenched forward. It was like the bullet was forcing me to shift. By now I was standing on all four panting, whimpering, and growling. I looked infront of me to see Ash was in Hellhound form to gaping at me in shock as were the guards behind him except for one guard. The guard that spoke my name.

Ash walked toward me and cocked his head to the side as I followed his movement with my head. Now I understood why dogs did this it gave me a different angle to look at. Ash was pure white except for his paws and the tip of his tail which was black. Ash was infact so white that his collar looked pale compared to his fur. I just imagined how I looked to them. My dominant colors probably stood out more than anything else: Black, red, and white with my red coalish collar.

Loki are you all right? I thought in my head.

'That damned gun made us shift' Loki said snarling as my tail whipped back and forth adjusting to the pain.

"Alright that's enough both of you get up and let's go" one of them said. As we all filed outside they took a steel chain and bolted me and Ash together before my mind even registered it. I looked around as the guards closed are door. There were thousandths of doors just like ours in rows. Some other guards were collecting other Hellhounds, each either had a white or black collar and came in many shapes or sizes. The guards forced us to walk.. well mainly forced ME to walk by kicking me in my hind legs or taking me by the scruff and dragging me.

At one point the guard that spoke my name picked me up and carried me like Luke did once. That just made me miss him more. We got to the door and the guard dropped me and opened the door letting me see the first real light I'd seen in what? Two days? I scrambled up unable to stop myself as I lurched forward dragging Ash who struggled to hold me back. His claws latched onto the ground while he sat down on his hind legs in a futile effort to hold me back. The guards laughed.

"Poor Ash stuck with a new pup" one guard said while shaking his head.

"Usually these tasks are done with a partner but I'll cut Ash some slack since he's caused us no problems we'll come and collect you two in a week.. lets just call this an unfortunate accident" Another guard said while raising his gun and shooting the chain causing it to bust. I instantly shot forward like a bullet.

Yes! They said a week! That's plenty time for me to find Luke and inform him of how crazy this so called 'School' is.

'Something doesn't seem right Justin' Loki whispered in a unsure voice.

I ignored him. I dived into the forest. I really don't know how long I've been running but my legs were killing me and I was understandably out of breathe. I looked ahead of me and nearly whimpered in joy. Up ahead there was no trees it was just desert. I know, I know why am I happy? Because after seeing tropical trees for so long seeing sand was like seeing progress. I took a leap and instantly flew back. I got up and leap again my mind not fully comprehending what just happen, and again I flew back. I whined then put a paw on where I jumped. It was like a clear case was blocking me.

Dear God, now I know how Barbie feels when shes in her plastic box waiting to be sold.

"Are you done yet?" I spun around. It was a small, slender female Hellhound. She hopped down from the tree she was on.

Who are you?" I barked. My tail raised up in warning.

"People call me Lady but for you call me Faith because right now I'm about the only one that can save your ass right now"

I looked her over, she was light brown with blood red on her muzzle. They way she stood would have made anyone think she was royalty. I looked at her neck, great a black collar so she must belong to Luke.

'Listen to her we're new at the ropes I detect no lies from her' Loki said

I layed down my tail relaxing my posture. That's when I heard a rustling from the bushes as a white and black ball of fur rolled out landing on it's back with its hind quarters and tail sticking up.

"Ash?" I said

"Ugh, damn kid you run fast" he grumbled as he got up.

Faith sniffed the air then growled.

"We have to go now!" She snarled. I smelled the air.. it smelled like rotten eggs. Ash whimpered then said

"I knew I should have just stayed in my hiding place instead of risking my safety for you! But NO I just had to come looking for you because I was worried" Ash snarled as though he were going to attack himself for his own stupidity.

"Look we can either run right now or d-" Faith never got to finish. A huge mechanical claw took a swipe on her back and sent her flying through the air blood spraying on Ashes white coat and some on my muzzle. Faith whimpered as she landed on a rock near by. I stared in horror at the sight infront of me just as the paw lifted up again.

'Justin move!' Loki growled ready to take over my body if I didn't snap out of my daze.

I would like to say I handled things like a boss.

More like a bitch.

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