Chapter 15- Who Said Kicking Wasn't Fun?

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"Bitch shut the fuck up"

At least that's what I wanted to say to Cari. Instead I balled up my fist and walked toward the so called castle. I was pissed, but like I said I would never let Luke see how on edge I was around Cari. Though I admit you would have to be.. no because even a blind bitch could see my loathing for her. *Hope I didn't offend anyone* I more felt Zari shift to his human form than heard. I kept walking towards the back door, Cari still talking to Luke completely ignoring Morret and Lana who seem to be enjoying the unattention as they slowly scooted away from Cari. I reached for the handle and came inside, but just as I was about to shut the door Zari skipped inside.

"Are you angry?" I examined Zari, yep he was still an African American gangster. Nae just kidding Zari wasn't a gang member.

But he sure as hell looked like one.

His arms were terrifying and his height.. Let's just say he tower's over me. It was a time like this were I wonder how he got stuck with me. Perfect, a subject I could use to avoid his question.

"Back on the Core everyone seemed shock I was a male rider, why?"

Zari blinked then pulled a chair from the table to the side of us. Apparently we were in the kitchen area.

"Usually male dragons have female riders and the same goes for the other way around" he said in a clipped voice.

I nearly flicked Zari off. My patience and temper were getting the best of me today, and I had no idea why. Loki growled inside me his tail swishing back and forth.

'That's because so many people are giving you bullshit answer's' Loki said agitatedly

It was obvious Zari wanted to drop the subject. I huffed, just this once I would grant him his wish.

Just this once.

"I need to go to my room" I said while rubbing my hair when suddenly I heard the back door opened.

"Wait, I need to talk to you about something" Luke said with Cari hanging onto his arm. Her boobs were practically bouncing around. I gagged unconsciously as I noticed her ass hanging out of the shortest skirt ever made in history. She might as well take off the damnable cloths, that's if you could even call what she had on cloths.

'Jealous?' Loki said while choking on his laughter, fire drizzling out of his muzzle while he tried to control his laughter. Just a second ago he was furious. Thats it. Loki's bipolar. Does that make me bipolar to?

"Justin?" Luke said puzzled. I blinked than looked up. Cari gave me the 'WTF?' Look. I looked down and noticed my cloths were sizzling, steam was rising mainly from my hands and hair.

"Sorry, what were you saying?" I muttered instantly making the steam stop.

"Um, well I was saying since you were a hellhound why not sign you up so you can practice your skills and it would be a great way for you to meet people like yourself" Luke said while smiling.

"Hold on, sign up for what?" I would kick him in the balls if he said what I think he was about to say.

"School of course"

I picked up my leg and arched my chest. Honestly it would have been a perfect aim. I was ready to hear him howl. I was pretty sure I even had a strain of gray hair for all the stress he put me through. Like I said it WOULD'VE been a perfect aim. My foot was so close. At that moment a thin pink shield came up breaking instantly after I kicked. It was like the perfect anxiety reliever. So I kicked again and again and each time it just reformed again and again. Luke held up his hand as a stopping for those who wanted to intervene. A little part of my brain identified that Lana and Morret were sitting down eating a slice of cake as though it where a regular day to them.

Zari sighed as he noticed tears were starting to form in my eye's as Cari smirked and sat down in a chair next to Zari, but not before I noticed sweat forming on her face. Mm, so she was the one forming these shields. It brought me great joy to know I was draining her energy. I kept kicking. For each kick I named one wrong doing done to me. Luke galled his fist up. I can almost imagine what was going on in his head. He was after all the Devil he could easily smash me to bits for even thinking about hurting him. Yet here he was taking my hatred like a boss.

Hours later I was still kicking the pinkish shield, Luke still standing before me, Zari still sitting, but sadly Morret and Lana had left murmuring 'good nights' Cari was panting in the corner angrily as though she couldn't believe I was still kicking. Yes, I was. After all I still had lots of names left. The sun was up now making me even more angry.

'What' Kick

'The' Kick

'Fuck' Kick

'Is' Kick

'The' Kick

'Sun' Kick

'Doing' Kick

'In' Kick

'Hell' Kick

I heard Cari gasp and fall. I kicked one more time, but this time Luke caught it and used it to pull me closer. He took my arms and spun me around until I was looking a Cari on the ground. I was panting from the workout I did.

"Do you see what you did?" Luke asked huskily

"Does it look like I fuckin' care?" I spat out

"Why do you hate her so much?" He said in a steely voice.

"Why do you love her so much?" I retorted sounding heartbroken even to myself.

"So that's what this is about? Zari take Cari to her chambers we need time alone"

I gave Zari a pleading look, while Zari just nodded his head. Usually he didn't pay attention to a word Luke said much less a command, but right now he could tell Luke needed this moment. As soon as Zari left with Cari in his arms and the doors closed Luke turned me around. With his right hand Luke grabbed my chin pulling it up forcing me to look at him. His left arm wrapped around my waist.

"Look Justin me and Cari.. were just friends"

"Right" I said while looking away. I heard that line from thousandths and thousandths of t.v shows if he thought I was falling for that line than he was poorly mistaken. Luke pushed my chin back to him. His nails seemed to become sharper as if angered.

"I can't force you to believe me" he said softly. His lips were so close to mine as he rubbed his lips on the side of mine. He bit lightly on my bottom lip as I felt heat pool in the middle of my legs.

"But I wish I could" he said playfully

I nearly stuck out my tongue at him. Loki yelp in pleasure inside of me. My eyelids felt heavy.

"In two days you will be going to training school, you will have fun, you will learn your way from the bottom to the top WITHOUT my help meaning you won't be seeing me" he said amusingly as though he knew what was going to happen while I was their.

"Why in two days? Why not tomorrow?" I said curiously

"Because you need to regenerate your energy remember? You used it on Cari"

I looked up at him "I don't want to go to school, I want to stay with you" I said then blushed as I realized how stupid and gushy I sounded like. Luke just looked at me with surprise then acceptance as he reached up and touched the middle of my forehead with his finger.

"And to think just hours ago you wanted to end my cocks life" Luke said with a smile as I passed out.


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