Chapter 4

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The next morning, Willy got up to a weird sight, Victoria and Dr. Hoffman were sitting there staring at each other.

"Umm, what are you doing?" he asked.

"Staring contest." Victoria said, not taking her eyes off of Dr. Hoffman.

"Me and Vic made breakfest. It's on the table. Tell Mikey and Steph they need to drop Frankie off at school, and go grocery shopping. List is out there." Dr. Hoffman said.

Victoria blinked.

"Yes! In your face, Veggy Vamp! Humans, Rule!" Dr. Hoffman said with a victory lap around the room.

Later, Stephen and Mike came back with Frankie and Willy in tow.

"What in the world?!" Mike said when Victoria came streaming out of the bedroom, followed by Dr. Hoffman.

"I'm going bury you in a garlic patch!" Dr. Hoffman was screaming. Mikey managed to hold her back with the help of Stephen as Victoria hid behind Willy.

"What's going on?!" Mikey asked when McKayla calmed down a bit.

"Victoria went through my diary while I was in the shower!" McKayla shouted as she lashed out at Victoria, who dodged it swiftly.

"Shower?" Willy asked.

Ignoring him, McKayla contined. " Then went through the rough draft of my story, took it out of order, and hid a third of the pages!!" McKayla shouted at the top of her lungs.

"Can't you take a joke? I was just playing around!" Victoria shouted back like she was completely innoccent.

"Joke?! That was how I was going to pay off the morgage of this place for this year! You think I just get all this stuff at garage sales? I have to WORK to keep this place!" McKayla shouted back with tears in her eyes and voice. She sat down and started crying, with Stephen comforting her.

"Rent? What are you talking about? I was just angery about you beating me at the staring contest." Victoria said softly kneeling beside her.

"You didn't tell them?" Stephen asked McKayla.

She shook her head." I was going to but then Willy came along and I didn't think she was going to get that upset and" McKayla broke into tears again.

"Tell us what?" Frankie asked sitting down along with Mikey and Willy.

"How money works." Stephen explained. "You see, Dr. Kay has to pay to work in this place. She was going to publish that book, then sell it to actully buy this place. Now she can't." He said, more to Victoria than anyone.

"I can go get it." She said.

''Wait a minute.'' Mikey said. '' How did you know before any of us, Stephen?''

''I think we should tell them that too.'' McKayla said.

''Ok. Look guys, we are, um, we're, um.'' Stephen sighed. ''We're dating, ok? We went out Friday and decided to, you know, go steady.''

''You guys are going out and you thought that was a huge mega secert?'' Willy said. He started walking to the bedroom. '' Wow you humans have weird costums.''

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