Kageyama and Ray feat. Louie
Ray: I'm so Good at Fighting, i mastered two swords.
Kageyama: Really?? Well I've Mastered eight different weapons.
Louie: Woah, That's cute guys...
Kageyama & Ray: ..............
Here we are again... The part 5 of the Facts... so Let's get started on some major facts then to the minor ones.. so enjoyName: Khimberlyn Cular
Age: 16
Alias: The Grand Magus
Status: Alive
Class: Mage
Strength: 7/10
Agility: 5/10
Intelligence: 10/10Name: Claire Lockhart
Age: 14
Alias: N/A
Status: Alive
Class: Archer
Strength: 4/10
Agility: 8/10
Intelligence: 6/10Name: Pia Marie
Age: 16
Alias: N/A
Status: Alive
Class: Valkyrie
Strength: 8/10
Agility: 7/10
Intelligence: 5/10Name: Rolan
Age: 14
Alias: The Strategist
Status: Alive
Class: Barbarian
Strength: 9/10
Agility: 6/10
Intelligence: 5/10Name: Abion Arcilla
Age: 16
Alias: N/A
Status: Alive
Class: Gunner
Strength: 9/10
Agility: 9/10
Intelligence: 7/10Name: Philip Castro
Age: 16
Alias: The Last Elf
Status: Alive
Class: Elf, Archer
Strength: 4/10
Agility: 8/10
Intelligence: 3/10.
So here's some other Major Facts.. ^^ enjoy.Adrian's Dragon god has a name. Arc Honist.. The Dragon god.
Jad's new sword is made out of demon blood.
Ardnaxela's bow is called the Eagle horn. She can fire arrows as swift as the wind.
Ardnaxela's Hellshot has a price, you'll send the one that got hit by the arrow to the underworld but the one who released the arrow will die as well.
Some other peoples are waiting for this so...Enjoy these minor facts..1.) Love Couples.
-Ralph + Alyanna= RaLyanna
-Ardnaxela + Louie= ArdnaLouie
- Miguel + Khimberlyn= MigueLyn
-Mae + Jay= May or Jae
-Princess + Jay= JayCess
-Miguel + Angelika= MiGelika
- Camu + Mikaela= CamEla
-Jay + Ardnaxela= JayXela
-Ralph + Angelika= RaLika
-Ray + Claire= ClaRay
-Marc + Mae= MarAe
-Princess + Louie= PrinceLouie
-Ella + Louie= LouElla
-Rolly + Alyanna= RollYanna
-Mae + Rolly= RoMae
-Ralph + Khimberlyn= KhimbeRalph
-Kageyama + Khimberlyn= KageLyn
-Lorgie + Magno= MaGie
-Camu + Lorgie= LorMu
-Camu + Angelika= CamuGelika
-Rolly + Allysa= RAllysa
-Port'z E. Macky + Allysa= MaLlysa
.2.) Yuri Couples.
-Ardnaxela + Vhea= ArdnaVhea
-Claire + Ardnaxela= ClaXela
-Vhea + Claire= ClairEa
-Ardnaxela + Angelika= ArdnaxeLika
-Mae + Princess= PrinMae
-Angelika + Princess= PrinGelika
-Ella + Angelika= AngElla
-Mae + Khimberlyn= MaeBelyn
-Alyanna + Ella= EllYanna
-Rose + Ardnaxela= RoseXela
-Rose + Allysa= RoLlysa
.3.) Yaoi Couples
-Camu + Ray= CaRay
-Marc + Raymart= RayMarc
-Ray + Raymart= Ray-Mart
-Louie + Jay= LouieJay
-Ralph + Ray= RalpRay
-Miguel + Kageyama= MigEyama
-Kageyama + Ralph= RalphYama
-Ralph + Miguel= RaGuel
-Louie + Ray= ROuie
-Raymart + Rolly= RaLly
-Adrian + Abion= AdrIon
-Jad + Abion= JadIon
-Jad + Adrian= JaDrian
-Rolan + Louie= RolOuie
-Aris + Ivan= IvaRis
-Ivan + Port'z E. Macky= IvAcky
-Adrian + Paolo= PaoRian.
So Everyone That's all the facts for now! ^^ wait for the next Chapter! ^_^
R.P.G: Season 2
FantasyThe season two of R.P.G On the Year X16, the Guild Ezkatka finally Came back from their one year resting, They've managed to survive without some special missions or expeditions to attend, but now they're ready to begin Humanity's counter attack to...