Story 28: If We Hold On Together

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The two gods, Agony and Torrez destroyed the Land of catnes, The whole guild of ezkatka began their mission to save the land from the two gods, however Ardnaxela, Ralph and Ray had gone back to the nether realm to help their whole guild to find the World of Chaos....

Marc yelled out to Alyanna. "ALyanna! There are civilians over there!" Yelled marc pointing his gun to the devastated city. Alyanna took a deep breath and looked at Agony, Rolan and Ella. "Marc do me a favour..Cover me.." said Alyanna, marc reloaded his gun then nodded. "Roger that.." said Marc smiling.

Rolan was panting then he glared at AGony. "Is that all you got??" Said the god whose whole armor is cracked due to rolan's punches. "He's still standing even though...rolan punched him over and over again.." said Ella to herself. Rolan smirked and ready his fist. "I'm surprised you're still standing after all of my punches...I'm surprised." Said Rolan. "However at this rate... I'll be force to use my ultimate punch..but i might die too.." said the barbarian in his mind.

"Adrian! Stop that building from hitting the Civilians! " abion yelled while running towards the Outskirts where angel and Louie is at. "Damn..if that building hit them, they'll be dead before we know it.." Abion thought in his mind. Arc Honist roared then rushes to the outskirts. Louie and the other civilians was surprised, "adrian!?" Louie said surprised. Arc honist grabbed the building then threw it to the open field. Louie looked at the god then to the sky. "Damn...we need to destroy that black hole.." said Louie.

Lorgie was riding her bear and was with two children on her bear. "Faster boy.." said Lorgie to her bear. The bear roared and rushes furthermore to the outskirts where angel and louie is at.

Kageyama was with Jay on the center of the field. "Get ready, Jay." Said Kageyama gripping his axe and bow. TOrrez was walking towards them. "Jay Banehallow..kageyama soliman... you're about to Meet your fate.." said The god of destruction. Jay narrowed his eyes then blinked behind the god and swings his daggers to it's helm. The god of destruction blinked as well before the daggers could hit him. "What the!?" Jay was surprised then suddenly the god was behind him ,the god then swings his sword causing jay to be knocked off to the air. Kageyama then came in to the battle and swings his axe to the God's knee.
"You're gonna pay for what you did to the guild and to the City!" Yelled Kageyama then he equipped his wand and fires a bolt of silver lightning to the god, Torrez was knocked back a few inches and was smoking due to the lightning. "Show me the power of ezkatka.." said torrez. Jay then blinked infront of him. "With pleasure! " said Jay then he swings his daggers to the God's helm.

Meanwhile on the sky that's being sucked by the black hole, every building and scraps are falling and being sucked at the same time towards and from the black hole. Miguel was flying around the sky slicing every building that's falling towards the land, where the other ezkatka members are rescuing civilians. Miguel grunt then flew down for a while and crashed landed on the fallen city. "Damn it.." he exclaimed then he stood up with the help of his sword.

Arc honist was lifting a boulder that's blocking an exit of a small building, people are trap inaide it. The dragon god roared then threw the boulder to an open field. Camu and princess got inside the building and was looking for the trapped civilians. "Check every room, Princess! " said Camu as he lookes to sone rooms of the Building. Princess nodded and gone to the second floor, that's when she sees the Civilians trapped inside. "Camu! I need some help here!" Yelled the mage. Camu heard what she said and gone upstairs as well to help her and her rescued civilians.

Rolan and Ella is still fighting Agony on the other side of the land. "Take this!" Yelled agony then he swings his gigantic sword to rolan. The barbarian blocked it bu he was sent flying and crashed on a Building that's really unstable, the building fell apart and crushed rolan. "Rolan!" Yelled ella. Agony then looked at Ella and grips his sword. "Tch! I'm not afraid of you.." said Ella readying her hands to summon a creature. "Well you should be... I'm the god of chaos, everybody is afraid of me!" Yelled agony. "Not us!" Yelled a figure, agony looked back and he was hit by a large gun and fires some million bullets to his armor. "Argh!" Agony exclaimed as he gets pushed by the Bullets. Raymart then stood there and grip his gun and looked at agony. "Claire! Your Turn!" Yelled The gunner, Claire then jumped from behind then fires an arrow to agony. "Raymart! Claire!" Ella shouted happily. Agony blocked the arrow with his sword. "Argh! You will never Defeat me, ezkatka!" Said Agony. Raymart fix his goggles then smirked. "We don't know if we can...but that doesn't mean that we're not gonna try.." said Raymart. Ella smiled then summoned a giant Cerberus. Raymart reload his gun. Claire then notches an arrow to her bow. "We're ready to defeat you..."said Claire. Agony chuckled then ready himself for another round of battle. "My armor is really damaged thanks to that barbarian...but I'm still Strong! This three are no match for me.." said Agony in his thoughts.

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