twenty-without you

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"thoughts read, unspoken, forever in vow and pieces of memories fall to the ground. i know what i didn't have, so i won't let this go 'cause it's true, i am nothing without you."
~Sum 41

Chapter Twenty- Without You

Hunter and I never returned to group therapy. We decided that everyone was being a pain in the ass so we just headed back to mine where I gave him back his jacket and he stayed for a drink.

I sighed setting my drink onto the coffee table, "I don't get why they are making such a huge deal of it."

"I know. It's not as if we expressed our undying love for each other after I took you home." Hunter joked. "You were too drunk anyway." I laughed at that.

"I really need to control my drinking don't I?" I asked. He just chuckled and gave me a nod.

He left after a few hours, telling me not to worry about what's going on between everyone. Things would die down eventually. Hunter never told me why he got so upset though. I just wished he would trust me more.


Sunday went by without a single person texting me. Hunter did once to check in on me and to see if I was alright but apart from that, nothing. I had never felt so lonely in my life. Usually my Sunday's were filled with shopping trips with the girls or our group going on crazy adventures. To be really honest, I missed them. And it had only been a day.

I spent the day lounging around, eating, sleeping and browsing the net. I was so bored I even started to look up words and people in the urban dictionary. I felt lame but it did make me laugh for a bit. I then logged onto Twitter, Facebook and all my social media accounts. I wasn't surprised to see that none of my friends had posted anything. They were probably doing the same things as me today.

I got a text while I was halfway through watching an episode of Breaking Bad though so I got up off my lazy ass to check who it was from. I suspected it was Hunter again but to my surprise it was Tom.

From: Tom
I sent in the video to the principal.

That was all it said. I was guessing that he probably sent the same text to everyone just to let us know though. I didn't even bother replying back.

It was 10 o'clock at night already when I finished a whole season of Breaking Bad and I was starting to get really sleepy. But as I lay in bed, I listened to just how the quiet the house was. I normally had the others over most of the time so it felt less lonely, less quiet. But today, it felt empty. The way it did before I met them. And part of me felt angry at dad for leaving mum and I but another part of me blamed mum as well. I shook the thought away and willed myself to fall asleep.

I was dreading tomorrow.


I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock blaring in my ears as I felt around trying to coincidentally hit the snooze button. Sometimes I wished I kept a goddamn hammer with me in bed so I could smash my phone when my alarm went off. But then I'd break my phone. You never get what you want in life.

I grudgingly got up out of bed, where my comfortable sheets and pillows were, and headed to my closet to throw on my clothes. I didn't even know what I put on, I was still half asleep.

I then went downstairs to grab myself a bowl of cereal and a huge mug of black coffee. That ought to wake me up. And indeed it did after I downed the whole cup and finished my serving of breakfast.

I grabbed my bag, slipped on shoes and walked over to the bus stop where, of course, my bus was already there. That forced me to run for it making my thighs burn at the sudden physical exercise. God I was so unfit. I had to get my shit together. But nah, it was too early in the morning for that.

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