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I woke up to the smell of bacon and waffles which was my favorite breakfast meal. I groggily sat up noticing the tv now turned off.

"I knew the food would wake you up." Ron's voice rang from the kitchen area. "Or not necessarily food but just my amazing cooking."

"Don't get too smug over there." I rolled my eyes.

He laughed, "Coffee, tea, juice, whatta ya want?"

"Smoothie?" I smiled hopefully.

He snorted, "Only if you make it yourself."

I decided to go with juice that morning because I was too exhausted to make the smoothie. I sat on the couch for a while checking my phone until food was ready. There wasn't a lot to check, just a text from Kate asking to hang out yesterday. Finally, Ron called me into the kitchen where we sat and ate all the food that was made.

"So what are you up to today?" Ron asked in between bites of his blueberry waffle.

I shrugged, "Honestly, I have no idea. There's not much to do in this town so I'll probably just head home after we eat."

"Sounds good." He stated.

"What plans do you have today?" I questioned to keep conversation.

Ron thought for a moment, "Well I have class in a couple hours so I'm probably going to work on some music until then."

I nodded. "Sounds cool."

The rest of our meal was sat mostly in comfortable silence but occasional discussion. Afterwards, I changed back into the clothes I wore yesterday then said my farewells to Ron. Outside it was even colder than yesterday and the roads were icy due to the light rainfall we somehow managed to have overnight. On the drive home I turned my radio onto They Move On Tracks Of Never-Ending Light by This Will Destroy You. That song played on repeat twice before I arrived at my house. Contrary to my usual empty driveway, two cars sat side by side. One was a Nissan Armada in the color "midnight garnet" which belonged to my mother and the other was a charcoal Chevrolet Impala that belonged to my dad. I hopped out of my car eagerly since my parents weren't usually home when I was.

"Mom? Dad?" I questioned when I walked through the door.

"Hey honey!" My dad spoke emerging from the kitchen. I ran to give him a hug. "Wow I haven't seen that sweater since I rejected Betty Irwin at the winter dance." He laughed releasing our hug.

"Babe, Betty rejected you. And it was because of that sweater." My mom appeared, drying her wet hair with a towel. "But it looks great on you honey." She smiled at me walking over to give me a hug.

I laughed, "What brings you guys home?"

My mom rolled her eyes, "Dumb work malfunction." She rolled her eyes, walking back into the bathroom.

"And since your mother was going to be home I took off of work so we could all spend some time together." My dad interrupted.

I nodded then took my shoes off before following my dad into the kitchen where he sat at the island drinking his usual tea flavored with Bailey's Irish Cream. I sat down with him while he switched the history channel on. After a while my mom emerged from the bathroom to join us, a scent of vanilla following her. Her naturally super curly brown hair was left down, maintained with a little bit of mousse and pinned back in the front. She was wearing her loose powder blue velvet pajama pants and a plain white t-shirt that wasn't fitting but it wasn't loose either which was surprising since it wasn't even noon yet.

"Obviously, I say we just sit in all day and relax." My mom said plopping down on the couch in the living room.

"I second that." My dad sighed with exhaustion.

"I third that, but first I really need to jump in the shower." I stood up heading to my room. I picked out my super baggy polar bear onesie Ron gave to me last Christmas before plugging my phone in to charge then going into my bathroom. It felt so nice to be in the shower  and once I was in and I realized just how tired I was with the warm water claiming me. A lazy day is just what I need. Even though most days of my life have been lazy days lately.

It didn't take long before I stepped out of the shower and applied some curling mousse to my wet hair then blow dried it. By then it looked somewhat between my dad's hair, which was slightly wavy and resembled Patrick Dempsey's hair, and my mom's hair which resembles Shakira's curls. My hair was like Rachel McAdams with curls at that point.

After standing in front of the mirror thinking about what celebrities' hair resembled mine, I threw my onesie on and ran downstairs. My dad was sitting on the couch with my mom watching the history channel in the living room while my mom was reading a Stephen King book. I sat down on the love seat adjacent to them.

My mom peeked over her book, "Loving the onesie by the way."

"I know right. I have Ron to thank for that." I laughed. "So what do we have planned for today?"

"This." My mom gestured to the room. "But I was thinking we can run to the video store really quick and get some movies. Plus I want to bake some cupcakes."

"Yes!" My dad immediately perked up. He was now in a navy blue t-shirt and matching plaid pajama pants. "I could really go for a cupcake right now!"

"You only get a cupcake if you help, Scott." My mom threw a pillow at him.

"Fine, Audrey. I'll help." He stuck his tongue out at her. They are such a childish couple honestly.

From there my dad threw a sweatshirt on and my mom threw her winter coat on before we piled in her car heading the the video store. Once we picked out about five movies we headed to the small grocery store and picked out some red velvet cake mix along with frosting and different sprinkles before heading back home.

My mom and I immediately started on the desserts while my dad put in one of the movies he picked out then ordered take out. We joked and laughed the rest of the day watching movies and eating food. It was nice being together with my family again. By midnight my parent's heads started bobbing in and out of sleep so we decided to head our separate ways and go to bed.


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