The Forbidden Forest

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Harry's POV

I have been avoiding classes with sytherins since the boggart incident. Actually I have been avoiding everyone. I have spent all my time in the forbidden forest freaking out. It's actually rather comfortable sleeping on moss but most of the time some magic fixes any problems. I am surprised Ron and Hermione have not found me or come looking for me yet. They know that I like being in the forbidden forest and I am only like a meter in anyway. A rather worrying thought drifts across my mind. I wonder how Draco is.

Dracos POV

It's been a day now and I can't stand the constant teasing and hexes from the sytherins so I decide to leave. Not the room of requirements that stirs up to many thoughts of harry plus Goyle had sort of burnt it down. Not the astronomy tower cause people actually go there. I finally decided on the forbidden forest because obviously no one was going to go in there. It's forbidden. Only Harry ah Potter and his stupid friends ever go in there and they are probably to busy having a right laugh about me to go in there. So at midnight I woke up. Shrunk my trunk and walked out of the Slytherin common room towards the forest. on arrival I took a deep breath and walked in...

to recoil in shock at the sight of potter sleeping on the ground a small bag beside him. Thinking fast I decided to just go far enough away from potter so he wouldn't see me because I really don't have anywhere else to go.
The week passed quickly. Potter still doesn't know I am here. Which is good. I think...

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