The Saxophone and other strange instruments the author likes :)

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Authors NoteRemind you of anyone that's not me (see attached picture :) )

Dracos POV
This is Pansys brilliant idea apparantly. I am teaching Harry how to play musical instruments. And not common ones like the guitar the bass or the drums. Out there ones like the... (you guessed it) saxophone. Harry should be arriving soon and we are going to find Harry the perfect instrument. I am pacing back and forth in my music room when harry walks in "harry" I say pretending to be shocked " are you wearing a Piano tie" harry just laughs. I take Harry's hand and drag him over to the Steinway grand piano in the corner. I say " harry you have just pledged allegiance to the piano. Bow down before it." Harry laughs and bows to the piano.
Harry's POV
Wow Draco I say you have a lot of stuff in here. "Ok" Draco says "have a look around and just point to stuff and I will name it" I walk over to some unfamiliar looking metal things and point at them. Clarinet, Flute, Picolo Draco says then he keeps going also that's a saxophone ; ) a oboe a tuba a bass clarinet a trumpet a cornet a trombone and a french horn. Well I say let's start with that. You mean the flute Draco laughs. Right then potter sit down also you are going to learn the saxophone :)

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