Christmas Cheer and Detention 3

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Harry's POV
This is our second to last detention which is good. Soon I won't have to spend every afternoon with Malfoy which I am looking foward too. I race in and destroy the boggart in 30 seconds flat. Professor Lupin was very impressed. I turned around and smirked at Malfoy who glared back at me. He stalked into the room and returned 5 minutes later. Snape walks in. " Right" he says "seeing as this is your second to last detention you shall be clearing out all of the furniture scrubbing the floors and then putting all the furniture back in. You have 2 hours" with that he leaves. With our wands. Damn it.

Dracos POV
I watch as potter begins carrying cauldrons into the spare room and stacking them in a neat pile. I sigh and go over to help. Normally a house elf would do anything like this for me but potter seems quite in his element. Hmm wonder why. I shrug and half carry half drag a cauldron towards the door. Potter turns around" really Malfoy" he sneers "can't even lift a cauldron." I choose to coolly ignore him. After what seems like forever all the furniture is stacked in the side room. Admittedly potter did most of it but I am a Malfoy. Malfoys are above all this.
Harry's POV
Come on Malfoy I sneer it's not that hard. He is steering at the bucket and mop a expression of distaste evident. I ignore him and continue mopping the floors. When he turns around still refusing to help I can't resist I squeeze the mop out...

Dracos POV
All over my hair potter really I snap turning around.  to my surprise potter is over the other side of the classroom mopping with that stupid innocent look on his face I sigh and start attempting to move furniture back in. Our last detention is tomorrow. Which I am happy about. Happy.

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