The uncertainty principle

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A/N I have just been reminded that Ron is dead in this fanfic so I have re written these next chapters to accommodate that. Thanks to my amazing reader who reminded me :)

Harry's POV
Me, Draco and Hermione all walk down towards the train station. A slightly sad mood sits over us. Hermione decides to break the silence " you know" she says " I have been reading some muggle science books" we all sigh. she fake scowls at us before continuing " as I was saying I have been reading these books and there is a principle called the uncertainty principle that is a rather good metaphor for our situation it goes like this (A/N this is an extremely dumbed down version of the uncertainty principle so do not take it as fact. Internet will tell you the hard version if you are curious) when measuring the moment of electrons you can know it's velocity or its position but never both at the same time and with us we either know where we are now or where we are going but never seem to know both at the same time"
Dracos POV
After hermiones speech harry spins to face me and sings " I don't know where I'm going and I can't say where I've been" then improvising to the tune sings " but I am her with you-ou and it's the happiest I've bee-en" (anyone recognize the song clue it's old) I smile at him and we walk together holding hands. Ready to start the beginning of the rest of our lives.

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