Chapter 15: Scarred

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The Mouth was furious.

No, he was beyond furious. He could not believe it when Amarth had approached Sauron and had told him to let Legolas go free.

"You incompetent elf scum! How dare you even suggest such a thing? Although it does not surprise me, you are an elf after all. It makes sense that you would want to protect your

"I am no friend of Greenleaf's. If you would stop running your filthy mouth I could finish what I was saying."

Sauron watched in amusement as The Mouth bristled in anger. One of the few things Sauron enjoyed was watching the two argue. The argument usually went in Amarth's favor.

And while Sauron was confused as to why Amarth would suggest releasing Legolas, he had been right about when to kill the halfling, and he had found and captured a rebel.

Just as The Mouth was about to speak again Sauron silenced him.
"Continue Amarth."

"As I was saying, release Greenleaf and the woman-"

"I see what you are trying to accomplish elf! Do you honestly think that the woman would go straight back to her people? Legolas wouldn't allow it! They would both know that we would follow them."

"Will you please, shut up for one minute?"

Amarth was once again playing with the cruel, black dagger he always carried. Where he'd gotten it from was a mystery. The Mouth snarled and grudgingly let Amarth finish.

"Release Greenleaf, and the woman. I am aware that they will not go back to the rebels, but there is something I can do to Greenleaf."

Amarth stopped spinning the dagger and looked up at Sauron.

"Something that will kill him, but leave the monster alive."

Sauron eyed the elf curiously. That was what he wanted. He wanted Legolas dead, but he still wanted the monster. If he had that on his side...

Sauron finally answered Amarth.

"What would you do?"

Amarth grinned and looked down at his dagger.

"I will destroy his heart, and all the precious light within it."


When the orcs came a second time Eowyn was certain that they were there for her. She pressed herself closer to Legolas.

The elf had sworn that he would protect her, he wouldn't let Sauron, Amarth, or anyone else touch her.

Legolas was sitting beside her in the back of the cell. Boromir and Faramir sat on the left side of the wall.

They never spoke to one another. No one ever had anything to say.

The orcs opened the cell door and Legolas immediately moved to defend her. But once again the orcs were there for Legolas. He didn't fight as they led him out of the cell.

What are they going to do to him?

Eowyn wondered. Ever since she'd been captured her mind had always wandered back to Aragorn.

She missed him so much...

She fingered the evenstar pendant that hung from her neck.

Why had Legolas looked so shocked when she'd told him that they were married? She knew that he and Aragorn had been friends for a long time, and she knew that Aragorn had once been in love with Arwen.

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