Chapter 25: The Boy

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Later that day Aragorn, Gimli, and the hobbits (except Merry) went to visit Legolas.

At first everyone was nervous about visiting with the elf, but when they had arrived he had smiled and welcomed them.

Of course, all were curious to know what happened to Legolas after the attack on Minas Tirith.

Legolas closed his eyes for a long time. Unseen memories passed through his mind. Finally, he spoke.

He told them everything. About waking up in the dungeons of Barad-Dur, the deal he had made with Sauron to spare Pippin's life, losing him, Amarth, Boromir, Eowyn, their escape, believing that they had been caught by Haradrim, and finally when he had awakened here.

The others listened without interrupting. All of them hurt for their friend, but none of them could get rid of their anger towards Boromir.

Boromir must be dealt with, Aragorn thought.

"What do you plan on doing with him Aragorn?" Gimli asked as if reading his thoughts.

The man sighed and shook his head. "I do not know. Perhaps, Legolas has any suggestions?"

Aragorn glanced at the elf.

"What you do with Boromir is none of my concern."

The others were shocked by Legolas' statement.

"What do you mean?" Gimli asked. "Don't you want him punished for what he's done?"

"He has already been punished. He will have to spend the rest of his life living with the guilt of what he has done."

Legolas looked at Aragorn.

"I have already dealt with Boromir myself. What you want to do with him is up to you. Now if you will excuse me, I would like to get up and move. I have been confined for far too long."

Legolas stood to his feet. The hobbits flinched as they noticed him stumble.

Once he stood he took a few careful steps forward, he almost fell but Aragorn caught him.

"Legolas, I don't think you should-"

"I must Aragorn. I cannot sit and do nothing."

The man conceded and let the elf walk on his own. Aragorn turned to Frodo and Sam.

"Why don't you two show Legolas around? There's not much to see but as long as you're here you might as well know your way about this place."

The hobbits nodded and smiled at Legolas., although the smiles were sad ones.

"Come on Legolas, we'll show you around." Sam said.

Legolas grinned and took another step and shook a little.

Frodo took the elf's hand and placed it on his shoulder for support.

"Thank you Frodo." Legolas said his voice revealing traces of exhaustion.

The hobbits led Legolas away leaving Gimli and Aragorn to decide what to do with Boromir.

"What do you think Gimli? I honestly don't know what to do." Aragorn was tired. He didn't want to deal with Boromir, he didn't want to deal with any of this! He wished he go back to when he'd had no one to care for but himself.

Things were much simpler then. If only I could go back...

"We should at least see what he has to say for himself." Gimli said.

Aragorn nodded.

"Let's go."


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