Chapter 30: Reunion

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Aragorn stared in utter disbelief at Haldir.

How could he be alive? Was everyone he thought to be dead secretly living in hiding?

Haldir called out something in elvish and at once all the hooded figures removed their hoods.

Elves. They're all elves.

Aragorn couldn't believe it.

"I know you have questions but they will have to wait. We cannot linger out here long and you are all wounded."

Two elves came over to help Aragorn with Legolas. At first Haldir didn't recognize the elf.

"What happened to him?" Haldir asked not realizing who it was.

"He was a prisoner of Sauron." Aragorn explained.

Haldir's eyes widened in disbelief.

"And he escaped?"
"He was set free."

When Haldir's only response was a confused look Aragorn told him, "I will explain everything later. We have to get help for Legolas."

"That is Legolas?" Haldir looked at Legolas, who was barely awake and was leaning heavily on the two elves.

"I did not recognize him." Haldir quickly pushed his curiosity aside.

He ordered his elves to move. They pulled their hoods back over their heads and formed a protective circle around the injured.

Aragorn knew they had to move fast but he was exhausted. His arm was bleeding heavily. The wound was much deeper than he had originally thought.

Gimli seemed alright, but Aragorn saw him stumble every now and then.

Legolas was still being supported by other elves, fighting to stay awake.

Stubborn elf. Why can't he just rest?

They ran for what seemed like hours to Aragorn.

He was getting dizzy. He stumbled, regained his balance, and then fell over completely.

He tried to get up but he couldn't. He closed his eyes and allowed himself to enter a sea of blackness.


"Estel!" a voice called to him from the shadows.

He wanted to respond. But he didn't have the strength. It was much easier to just lay still.

"Estel! Wake up! Please!"

That voice... He knew it.

But it couldn't be.

Could it?

He had to see. He had to know.

He forced himself to open his eyes.

The first thing he saw was rock. Was he in a cave?

Yes. I am in a cave. But not mine. Where am I?

"Estel! Are you alright?"

The voice. He recognized it.

He turned his head to the side and smiled in disbelief.


The elf smiled.

"Hello Estel. I'm glad to see you awake and well."

Aragorn tried to sit up. He was lying on the stone floor with nothing but an old, worn blanket for a pillow.

Elladan stopped him and forced him to lay back down.

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