Chapter 26: I Do Understand

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Aragorn and Gimli confronted Boromir together. They had both agreed that Aragorn would do the talking.

It was strange for all three of them, seeing each other after what happened.

Boromir looked afraid when they entered his room. They had stood in front of him and Aragorn had done all the talking as planned.

He had told him that he would be allowed to remain with them, but he would have to devote the rest of his life to helping overthrow Sauron.

The man had agreed. Tears had filled his eyes. He had begged them to forgive him, but Aragorn had only told him, "It's too late."

Aragorn and Gimli didn't like to think about how they had completely rejected him, he had been their friend once, but he had betrayed them. He had caused all of the pain and suffering of the people of Middle Earth.

The two friends walked together in silence, until they came upon Frodo and Legolas.

At first Aragorn was relieved to see his friend walking on his own, until he noticed the look on Legolas' face.

"Is something wrong Legolas?" he asked.
"I need to speak with you. Alone."

Aragorn looked at Frodo for an explanation. The hobbit looked down at his feet.

"Can we go somewhere outside?" Legolas asked.

Aragorn nodded. "Of course."

Gimli went off with Frodo to see if they could find Merry while Aragorn and Legolas went outside to talk.

Aragorn led him to his one spot and Legolas immediately took in the land around him. It was the first time he'd ever seen Middle Earth since Sauron took over.

The sight broke his heart. He looked at what was once Lorien, and beyond that he could see his home, or what was left of it.

Aragorn said nothing as he watched him. He wondered what Legolas had wanted to speak with him about.

"Why did you not tell me that you had a son Aragorn?"

The man was taken back. How did he know? He hadn't-


Was that what the hobbit had been doing?

"It was not important at the
time." Aragorn replied stubbornly.
"How could it not be important? He is your son."
"What concern is it of yours?"
Aragorn snapped.

What business did Legolas have with his son? What did he care?

"He told me that he has not seen you since Eowyn was taken." Legolas narrowed his eyes.
"And he does not know that his mother is dead."

"I will tell him when the time is right."
"When is there a right time to let him know when his mother is dead?"
"What I do with my son is none of your concern Legolas!"

Legolas' gaze hardened. Aragorn glared at him.

"You cannot push him away Aragorn. Just because you are grieving gives you no excuse to ignore your son."

Aragorn opened his mouth to speak but Legolas wasn't finished.

"I know why you are pushing him away. I know you are afraid. But-"
"Don't say that! You couldn't possibly understand!"
Aragorn shouted.

"You don't know what it's like to lose someone you loved! I lost Arwen, and Eowyn! I could lose him too! I couldn't take it Legolas! It would kill me! You couldn't understand! You've never felt love before and you never will! All of your people are dead! You will never understand!"

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