Chapter 33: Preparing For Battle

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The plans had been made. The remaining free peoples of Middle Earth gathered to prepare for battle.

For the second time in history, Elves, Men, and Dwarves would unite against one enemy.
Aragorn had told everyone what needed to be done. Weapons and armor needed to be made, everyone needed to train and prepare themselves for the battle.

And that included the hobbits.
Frodo, Sam, and Merry had decided that they would go into battle with Aragorn and the others. Gandalf had agreed and there had been no objections from anyone else.

But all three of them were scared. They knew the chances of them making it out alive were very slim. They had almost no experience fighting.

They had fought orcs in Moria but this was different. They were going into a full scale battle.
Frodo glanced down at Sting, the small sword that had belonged to Bilbo felt heavy.

He missed his uncle, he missed Pippin, he missed how things used to be.

"I will do it! I will take the ring to Mordor!"
Frodo stirred at the memory.
"I will help you bear this burden, Frodo Baggins. As long as it yours to bear."
Gandalf. Frodo had been excited to see that Gandalf was still alive, but now he was afraid that they would lose him for good this time.
"If by my life or death I can protect you, I will. You have my sword."
Aragorn. He had already risked so much for him and the other hobbits. Now he was leading all of these people into battle, would Aragorn survive?
"And you have my bow."
He hadn't known Legolas very well. In fact he still didn't know him very well. But he had proven to be a loyal and brave friend. He had protected them as well as everyone else in the Fellowship.
"And my axe!"
Frodo had become close friends with Gimli. The dwarf had lost his father as well as some of his closest friends but he never lost hope.
"You hold the entire fate of the world little one. If it is indeed the will of the council, then Gondor will see it done."
Boromir, he had been so brave, and loyal. The ring had taken him, and now they had to pay the price. What was going through the man's mind now? How could he live with himself?
"Mister Frodo's not going anywhere without me!"
Sam. Sam had been with him since the beginning. Ever since he'd left the Shire. Now he was following him into Mordor, just like he'd said he'd would. Only now it was for battle. Not to destroy the ring.
"We're coming too!"
Frodo's heart twisted at the memory.
"You need intelligence on this sorta of quest, thing."
"That rules you out Pip."
Frodo held back tears at the memory, Merry had been broken by Pippin's death. His cousin was like an empty shell. He never spoke to anyone, he barely ate, and he barely slept.
And Pippin, his little cousin, he had failed him. He hadn't been there when he needed him and now he was gone.
"You shall be the Fellowship of the Ring."

Frodo wished he could go back, refuse to take the ring, he had failed as the ringbearer. He was supposed to have carried the ring all the way to Mordor, destroy it, and end Sauron's reign for good.

But everything had failed. All that was left was for them to fight Sauron, and it seemed impossible.

"Are you two scared?"

Frodo was shocked to hear Merry's voice after so long.

"Yes. I'm scared." Sam admitted.
"Me too." said Frodo.
"There's no way we're all going to survive this." Merry said grimly.
Frodo and Sam said nothing. They knew he was right.

Merry looked up at them.
"But at least were dying for something."
Frodo and Sam looked at him in understanding.
"For our freedom." Sam said.
"To take back everything Sauron stole from us." Frodo added.
"For each other." Merry concluded.

The hobbits sat in silence.
Merry looked down at the small sword he had been given.
"Do you guys think we should be learning how to use these?"
"Aragorn and Gimli are busy." Sam pointed out. "Who's going to take the time to help us?"

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