Chapter 4 - Wait. What?

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              Here's another chapter! Dunno what times I'll be able to get on or not . . . but, here I am anyway! ^^



In the morning I sprung out of bed with joy! Happiness, even!

                  Well, turns out that today is the official auditioning day for the play Mrs. Rah is directing. All of the Theater major's would be mandatory to take part in what-ever for the play, but it was only optional to try out for the play.

           If you wanted to of course.

As you may know, I am a Theater junkie. I live to act, I breathe acting. But even with all that, I still had to discuss parts of the play to try out for with my three consultants.

               Which are, Ray Ray, Angel, and D'shealyn.

Currently, I'm walking to the Ray Ray and Princeton's dorm. It's kind of . . . how can I put this . . . over-ran by boys? I mean, seriously! Dudes walking around in nothing but some damn shorts showing all those sexy bodies? How can a girl survive? I mean, who knew that Performing Arts dudes, had such good bodies?

            Well, some of them.

Anyway, I wasn't alone though. D'shealyn and Angel were coming also. Not to mention Jordyn, Daize, and - Diggy. We didn't exactly invite him, but he tagged along anyway.

          Psht. Celebrities.

When we got there, the boys (being boys) were sitting around playing NFL.

                We stood in the doorway, our arms folded. "Ahem." I said, clearing my throat.

"Cough drops in the cabinet." Myles said, watching the others play. I cleared my throat again, and much louder this time. I know, I'm not the one who normally does this because I just think girls who are all prissy and spoiled rotten do this, but I mean . . . they were dudes in boxers, playing a video game when we had to get to work on the play. What would you do?

                     "The damn cough drops are in the cabinet, jeez! Just walk two steps and - BAM - you got 'em." said Myles.

            I looked at the girls, who just rolled their eyes in response, and walked over to the cabinet; grabbing about thirteen cough drops. (And a handfull of peppermints, but shh! What they don't know, won't hurt them.)

           Walking back over to the girls, I threw the peppermints at the boys, surely grabbing their attention.

              At first, they looked pissed. But then, their faces softened when they looked at the clock . . . then at us . . . then below their waist . . . then back at us. Blushing and probably embarrased (especially since Daize was laughing her butt off) they rushed and grabbed their pants and what-not. I began to wonder . . . dudes in a room with boxers? When only two of them sleep here? A question I'll have to ask later, but for now it was time to discuss parts in the play.

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