The One With The Bad Morning

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I wake up to the most horrid sound... My phone ringing so loud. My head is spinning and I feel like I'm going to die. I shut my sound off and shit up. Thankfully I'm in my bed. My clothes, shoes, makeup and everything else is still on me. Gross. I feel disgusting. I stand up and immediately feel worse.

I move to the living room. Cal is still passed out on my couc. Dani is on the floor and Michael is facedown in the kitchen. Ash is sitting in one of my chairs, on his phone.

"How you feeling?" Ashton says.

"Shh. Shut up." I reply.

"That great, huh?" Ash asks.

"I said shut up. Even the sound of my voice makes me want to vomit." I say.

"I'll go grab everybody some food." Ashton tells me.

"Bless." I give him a hug and go back to my room. I go into the bathroom and hop into the shower with the lights off. 

I sit on the shower floor and shampoo my hair. I rinse, repeat and move to conditioning. I set my head against the shower wall and think about what I can remember about last night. I remember drinking, drinking, a lot of dancing, a few short conversations and nothing else in specific. I immediately throw up. Great. I love my life!!! I turn towards the shower head again and wash my face and all the makeup off of it. I wash my body and rinse my conditioner out of my hair. I step out of the shower and wrap myself in a towel. I brush my teeth because my mouth tastes disgusting. I've never wanted to die more. I feel terrible.

I go into my room, which fills my eyes with light and I want to vomit. I go into my closet and pull out a pair of sweats and a t-shirt. I throw my hair up into a bun because I'm too lazy and my hair is too wet. I pick my phone up and go through the shit I've missed. I have 4 missed calls from Jessica, 6 from Luke, 1 from Sam, a shit ton of texts from a shit ton of people and a billion snapchats. Great. I call Luke back first.

"Hale." Luke says in a very relived tone.

"Shhh, my head." I reply, putting a hand to my face.

"Babe. Are you okay?" As soon as he says that, game over. I'm done. I start to cry.

"No." I barely get out.

"Oh my god." Luke mutters. "I'll find a way to see you today, alright?" 

"Okay." I cry. "I just miss you and I feel terrible. And I went out and I'm sure theres so much shit about me on all social media right now and i hate this."

"I miss you too, babe. I love you and I'll figure out how to see you today, I promise." 

"Alright. I love you."

"I'll see you today. I hope you feel better." Luke says.

"Thanks babe. I'll talk to you later." 

"Okay, bye." Luke says quietly and hangs up.

I wipe away some of my tears as somebody lays next to me. I Look up to find, Dani laying down in my bed.

"Do you feel like shit? I feel like shit." Dani whispers.

"Yes. I do. Ash went to get food." I whisper back.

"I'm in love with him, I'm marrying him." Dani replies.

"Me too. Literal sister wives. Okay that was terrible, I'm sorry. That was disgusting. I'm shutting up."


A few minutes later, another body appears. It's Michael.

"I died." He says as he lays down.

"We all did." I reply.

"I'm never drinking again." Dani says.

"You say that now." I tell her.

"Great, you're all up!" Ashton comes in with food, the smell makes me want to die. 

"Shut the fuck up." Michael says.

"Eat this, it'll help." Ashton hands us a chipotle bag. Michael hands them down. I open mine and I don't even want to eat it but, I know it'll help me feel better.

"Can you get me some water and aspirin?" I ask Ash.

"Yes, Hale. I'll get some for everybody." Ashton goes into the kitchen. I take a big bite of the burrito. I've heard avocado, rice and beans help with hangovers, thank god this has them in it. Ash hands water and aspirin out and we all continue to eat and drink water.


Everybody has just been chilling at the apartment. I've been laying in bed. I slept for another hour and now I'm up, watching 'Parks and Recreation' on my computer quietly. 

"Hale, you better come watch this." Cal peaks his head into my room. I get out of bed slowly and walk over to the couch in the living room.

Tired *Book 2* (Luke Hemmings, LH, L.H)Where stories live. Discover now