[ IX ]

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[Letters from home]

Dear Signore [Your Last Name],

It has came to my attention that we aren't the only one that wants London... It's [Your Name] signore she's her. And I believe that she has sided with the Assassin's. But, I feel as Mr. Starrick will undermine us a soon as thing become hard. You see he seems to be quite the testa calda, I would ask if you have someone else come here as well that things with [Your Name] and the templars here won't get out of control. 

[Translation: Hot head]

May the father of understanding guide you,

Antonio Borgia.


Antonio Borgia, 

I understand your concern pertaining what will happen to London, with things that concerns Mr. Starrick I saw we cut the head off the snake once more but use a puppet to do it. I will see that Poala will accompany you in London. She seems eager to learn about our ways, and she seems interested in the same thing as you. 

To see [Your Name] fall. 

May the father of Understanding guide you.

Lorenzo [Your Last Name]



So you're saying that we kill Mr. Starrick! We would be consider as traitors to do such a thing. And I would gladly teach Poala our ways when she comes to London. 



Mr. Borgia,

Yes, that's what I'm exactly saying, but instead of us doing it the Assassin's can do it. We could kill two birds with one stone. Reach out to [Your Name] and do what she did to you so many years ago. You could use her to kill Mr. Starrick and our hands won't be stained with blood. I have the utmost faith in you. Buona fortunaAntonio.

May the father of understanding guide you. 

Lorenzo [Your Last Name]

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