Chapter Twenty: Highland Justice

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Chapter Twenty: Highland Justice

@Cailen's P.O.V.@

The more Cailen heard of Hannah's story, the angrier he became. By the time she concluded his hands were clinched in white knuckle fists, his body quaking with rage. His vision was tinged with red and he desperately wished he could strangle someone. He paced a hole in the cavern floor in pure frustration. He was caught up in her story, Cailen was fuming by the end with outrage at McKinnon's dishonor, Caitriona's betrayal and Hannah's unlawful mistreatment at both of their hands.

When Hannah finished her tale she was solum and distant, a far away look in her blue eyes. A pang of guilt mingled with empathy struck him directly in his chest. Reaching out, his large, dirt coated hand took hold of hers. His fingers curled protectively over it, frowning in thought. Her hands were roughened, calluses marring the once soft skin.

An' tis my fault, Cailen thought somberly.

Hannah's fingers tightened around his, drawing his gaze to meet hers'. Her raptor brows were furrowed in disapproval. "Hey, wipe that look off your face."

"What look?"

"That 'this is all my fault' look," she retorted. "It's not. No ones to blame-except MacKinnon and Caitriona. But not you."

Cailen denied an answer instead focusing on his royal highness. The man stood apart from their small gathering, lounging against the cavern wall, fiddling a small dagger between his fingers. When at court, Cailen had met the young prince, for he was their queen's nephew. The prince had been one and twenty, and Cailen a boy of seventeen, a new laird still in mourning for the loss of his father.

They had never spoken more than what was expected-a bow and a greeting, another bow and well wishes for one another's health. Cailen was still plagued by lingering questions-what was a royal prince doing at a loathsome Yorkshire inn? And where were his guards and royal envoy?

It made no sense. What was more there was a nagging feeling in the pit of his stomach. There was something dark and smoldering in the prince's gaze when it fell on Hannah. The two had been alone for an extended amount of time. In Cailen's mind dark thoughts toiled, thoughts that Cailen wished he could put to rest without further thought.


His eyes snapped back to Hannah who was frowning, though this time it was in worry. With tremendous effort he pushed the dark thoughts away, forcing a smile on his lips. "What, sweeting?"

"Just now . . . you were . . ." Hannah fumbled for the words, but her efforts were useless. Yet again Cailen's good looks and charmed had rendered the female at a loss of her wits. "Never mind."

Cailen took his other hand, smoothing the tangles of blond hair back from her face, a sweet gesture of reassurance. "Ye are tired, there's nae doubt. Come, we all need a good nights sleep."

Cailen gave a sideways glance to Douglas as he wrapped an arm about Hannah's weary shoulders. Douglas seized the opportunity to say;

"His highness and I will take the first watch. Give ye two a wee bit o' privacy."

Hannah stiffened under the weight of his arm, and Cailen fought back a grin as her face began to glow. She was adorable when embarrassed.

"Do nae stay out too long," Cailen said. "This storm is a nasty one."

And with that they were gone. Cailen turned his emerald gaze on her.

"Come lass," he said as he drew her close against him. "Ye look as though yer about ta collapse where ye stand."

Cailen drew her towards the fire. He drew his heavy navy traveling cloak from his shoulders, laying the damp cloth across the ground like a makeshift blanket. He plopped down, his back braced against the cavern wall. He glanced up through the matted wet tangles hanging over his eyes. Hannah stood back, a look of uncertainty.

Cailen grinned, a body shaking chuckle bursting from him. Reaching up, he grasped ahold of her dainty wrist, and with one sharp-gentle-tug, she fell forward, crashing into his chest. A flaring bolt of heat swept through him, down his spine and directly into his heart. Lud, it was all he could do not to crush her against him and feast on her lush mouth.

She felt so right there against him, their bodies fused together, their hearts beating in tandem with the rain outside their haven. Cailen shifted, turning a beet red Hannah around so that she was cocooned snugly between his hard thighs, her back pressed against his chest. Wrapping his strong muscled arms around her small waist, Cailen drew Hannah even closer, brushing a feather light kiss across the top of her head.

"Sleep, sweeting, for on the morrow we go home."

Hannah said nothing. Cailen listened to her erratic breathing until it evened and grew heavy with sleep. With a sigh of relief, Cailen relaxed, laying his cheek on her head, his weary lids closing over his eyes, shutting out the world.

And for the first time in weeks, Cailen slept peacefully.

@Hannah's P.O.V.@

I awoke the next morning feeling unbelievably warm. My hair stuck to my face and neck with sweat. I tried to move, but I pinned by something, leaving me completely immobile. I shifted and shoved until I was able to look at what was trapping me. My heart did one of those flippy things at the sight of Cailen slumped against my side, his arms holding fast to my waist.

I recalled how he had held me the night before, almost as if I were some sort of mythical creature that he had spent his life searching for and he had just caught, terrified I would slip away from him. A soft smile played on my lips. I struggled to an upright position, shifting Cailen's head from his arm to my lap. He gave a heavy sigh, his free arm taking ahold of my waist.

I watched him, taking in this new side of Cailen that was so new to me. He looked so young, like the boy he was. None of the harsh war ladened lines showed. He was without any walls or guards. Absentmindedly I began to stroke his head, my fingers combing through his dark inky locks as I allowed my thoughts to wander.

What happened now?

I knew we were going back to his keep-but what about Caitriona? What was Cailen going to do about her? It didn't seem likely that he'd let her go freely, but what would he do? This was the twelfth century, and beheadings were as common as mornings. The idea of a life-even Caitriona's life-on my head made my stomach queasy.

A hand clasped over mine, drawing my attention to Cailen, he was regarding me with a sleepy languor that had my heart melting.

"What has ye troubled on such a beautiful morning like this, love?"

Love! The word made my insides flare with an impossible joy. I just smiled continuing to brush my fingers through his hair.

"It's nothing."

He caught my hand, forcing it to cease with a single tight squeeze. "Donnae think ye can lie to me, Hannah."

I cringed slightly at his frosty tone. I was starting to notice that he only used my name when he was either really happy or really pissed. Right then, I did not think it was the former.

"It's just . . . WhatdoyouplantodowithCaitriona?" I said in a rush, not stopping for breath.

Cailen sat up slowly, a perplexed look drawing his thick brows in a confused V. "What?"

"Caitriona," I gouged out. "What do you plan to do with her? And MacKinnon? And the man?"

Cailen was silent for a long moment, a far away look in his eyes. "I have already delivered MacKinnon ta justice's door."

A lump of unease plopped into my stomach. "Did you . . . Did you kill him?"

Another stretch of silence. Fear, guilt, unease, and a dozen more dark emotions caused my gut to twist.

"Nay," he said at last. "I couldna do it. I would nae stoop to his level. Though trust me when I say I made sure he willna e'er darken my door again."

A chill ran down my spine. I remembered the only other time I had ever seen Cailen so dark and menacing. When was protecting Michelle and I from MacKinnon's men. I remembered how unearthly he had seemed, all dark and glorious as he took out the men. I had been a little frightened of Cailen then, and even now the furious timbre in his voice caused my pulse to stutter.

"What . . . what happened?"

Cailen looked away, his eyes looking at anything that wasn't me. "I did what was necessary to insure my clann's safety. Tis my cross ta bear, sweeting, I willna burden ye with my sins."

I reached out, my hand clasping ahold of his face, a trill of lightning infused warmth racing through my skin. Forcibly I turned his face towards mine, our eyes clashing blue on green.

"You can't just keep stuff like that bottled up inside! It'll eat you up inside until there's nothing but the guilt and anger."

Cailen said nothing simply stared at me. With a heavy sigh he pressed our foreheads together, the heat of him washing over me. "Aye, I know what ye say is true, but, lass, I donnae want ye tainted by my wrongdoings. I beg o' ye, for now, let me bear their wait alone. I'll tell ye all ye wish when I am ready."

I nodded mutely, our gazes never wavering. Something bright flashed before his eyes- affection, adoration, love-and then he was kissing me. This kiss was different from the others. It wasn't a statement or possession, it was soft and sweet. It was the sort of kiss that made a girl's head fill with a heavy fog of desire, and the world spin out of control. Before I could move, touch him, push him away, anything, he broke the delicious contact.

"And ye donnae need to worry about Caitriona-I have a plan."

"A-ah, plan?" I choked out, blinking wildly. "What plan?"

He smiled, a teasing curling of his sensuous lips, a teasing glint in his green eyes.

"A plan ta bring her ta justice."

@Caitriona's P.O.V.@

It had been days since the laird had ridden out without nary a word of explanation. Caitriona was like a wild cat trapped in a too small a cage. She was on edge and pricklier than the briars lining the eastern wall. She snapped and degraded the poor scullery maids, and the kitchen lasses couldn't stand to be too near her in such a foul mood.

Her lover was scarcely seen; he could not take her erratic mood swings and decided to shower his, ah, attentions, on a bonny kitchen maid. Cait paid him no mind; he was a pawn in her scheme.

Caitriona paced the length of the drawing room, her tartan skirts swooshing about her with every vicious step.

"Can the man no' simply give up? Why must 'e chase after the wench like a starved dog? Am I not enough?!" Caitriona lapsed into a furious tirade, her pacing becoming even more frenzied.

A shout down the hall brought her to a stand still. Caitriona's heart leaped and she rushed for the heavy door. Servants were rushing about at whirlwind speed, jumping to their designated chore.

"Hault!" Caitriona stopped a young maid with mousy brown hair and even duller eyes. "What is happening? Are we under attack?"

The young maid stuttered and struggled for speech, her thin lips moving but making no coherent speech. Caitriona's horrid mood intensified.

"Are ye a half witted chit? Answer me!"

"Th-the laird returns."

An icy tendril of fear traced slowly down her spine. "Does he return alone?"

"Nay, the laird Mcallister rides with him."

"And no others?" Caitriona hedged.

"Naught but the laird and the Mcallister."

Caitriona felt a wave of triumphant joy wash over her. She quickly tampered her joy and snapped at the maid to get back to work. Once the girl was gone, Caitriona made her way to the laird's chambers. Once there she found chamber maids changing sheets, opening the windows and airing out the curtains.

"Out! Ye are needed else where," Caitriona declared with all the authority of one with self appointed authority.

The maids scuttled away like a flock of skittish pigeons, wishing not to incur the elder woman's ire. Caitriona then went about the room, busying herself with fixing up the bed, freshening the water in the washbasin and other small feats. She took her time, moving at a dull pace. When the door opened to reveal a rather weathered looking Cailen, her heart leaped with her success.

He looked momentarily surprised, but it was quickly chased away by with another emotion, Caitriona could not describe. He drew to his full height and a excitement moved through Cait's petite frame like lightning.

"I had hoped I would see ye, Caitriona," her laird said as he moved farther into the room.

Caitriona watched him with unmistakable hunger. She watched him approach her, his long limbs moving with a measured grace.

"Me, my laird? Whate'er for?"

"Alas, I find myself in need of your . . . services."

Caitriona's heart threatened to beat out of her chest. "I would do anything for my laird."

Caitriona approached him cautiously, watching his face for any sign of jest. When she found none, she reached for him, her fingers caressing over the pulsing muscles of his arms was enough to make Caitriona's knees weaken. How long had she dreamed of this? All the sacrifices she made for her laird were at last paying off. As she stood on the tips of her toes and took his face in her hands, drawing his mouth down to hers', Caitriona's single thought was this; he is mine!

She teased him, lulled and tasted him with a studied technic. She wanted him aching and begging for her. She wanted him to know what she had felt for all these years. When drew away, she gazed up at him, peering wantonly through her lashes.

"Ah, Hannah," Cailen sighed.

The name was a brutal blow to Caitriona's chest. She staggered backwards. "Wh-? No! No! No' her! Me! Tis me! Ye cannae still desire her! She is gone! I am 'ere!"

Caitriona drew away from him, her body trembling with rage. Misery mingled at the edges of her mind as she began to pace furiously about the chamber.

"What more can I do? I had her taken from yer sight! Ye were supposed to forget her! Why can ye nay forget her?! I am more beautiful, I am better than any one else here! Yet ye still want her!

"I wished I had killed her me self instead of trusting a MacKinnon!"

All too late Caitriona realized what she had said. Her hands flew to her rouged mouth in shock.

"That tis all I wished to hear," the laird said, his tone dispassionate. He turned his back to her, making his way to the door.

It opened and Caitriona was stricken by what she saw. The damn bitch stood there, her blue eyes narrowed in anger.

"What's up Cait?"


Cailen dove between them, his body taking the brunt of Caitriona's attack.

"-bitch! I'll kill ye! Ye have ruined e'erything!"

Hannah didn't answer, she just watched as the other woman ranted and raved. Cailen grunted a curse, shoving the frantic female off of him.

"Guards! Take her away!"

Caitriona scratched and clawed, cursed and bellowed as two burly men came up beside him, each taking one of her arms and dragged her out of sight.

As they took her away, her cries of outraged sent tendrils of fear down Hannah's spine.

_____________________________________Author's Note_______________________________________

Hey! I'm sorry if this chapter is kind of crappy, I rushed it so y'all could have an update. Sorry! I am probably going to come back to this one and add more and try to make it more sensible.

I have good news! I may be getting Internet come September!!! This would mean more frequent updates and my other stories could get more attention! So keep your fingers crossed! My birthday is next Thursday so yay again. I am nearing 100 fans, so exciting and Hannah is in the top 40s area of the Historical fiction section! Thank you everyone :')

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Bye bye, love Amber :)

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