Chapter Nine: Conspiracy

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Copyright © 2013 Amber Hanscom

Chapter Nine: Conspiracy

@Caitrion's P.O.V.@

From the window over looking the ben, Caitriona watched with palpable disdain as the little chit made her way back towards the laird and Douglas. Her eyes narrowed as Cailen took a hold of the girl waist drawing her in close, the three forming a tight inner circle.

Caitriona utter a fowl curse, whirling away from the sickening scene.She made her way down the passage way, until coming to dead end. A tapestry portraying an interact scene of a dragon breathing fire took up most of the wall. Brushing the thick drapery aside she reached beneath it, finding the little hidden knob in the wall, and giving it a sharp tug.

The wall gave away, revealing a dark passage way, that seemed to stretch on and on into the endless abyss.

Caitriona's lush lips curled into a serpentine smile as she crept inside, the door sliding shut a moment later. Having worked and lived in the castle of the MacBains' had been very beneficial. Caitriona knew every nook and cranny, every passage way both secret and known. She took a hold of one of the torches on the wall, sliding it free from its perch.

Lighting it with care, she made her way down the passage, her steps echoing off the walls.

As Caitriona wandered farther into the passage a glow of light emanated from around one of never ending corridors.

Caitriona's hand inched down towards the folds of her tartan, where she always kept a dirk concealed. Her hand wrapped around the handle, ready to strike at the chance of an attack. The low murmur of voices grew louder as she approached. She came to the end of the curving tunnel, the light brighter and the voices louder.

" . . . Was an utter failure!"

". . . Why we take the word of a damn bawd-"

"Lads!" snapped a cruel, deep voice. "Can you nae see that we are being observed?"

Caitriona's breath halted, her heart dropping into her stomach with an almost audible thump.

"Come now, lassie. Do nae keep us waiting."

With an exasperated sigh, Caitriona moved out from behind the wall to face the three MacKinnon's. Tavish MacKinnon bared his teeth in winsom grin as he approached her with his easy lumber.

"Well, lass? What do ye hae ta say for yourself," MacKinnon asked grin turning wolffish. "Because o' ye I lost nearly fifty of my men, and a quarter of that is gravely injured! Now, tell me lass, how yer so called fool proof plan ended with MacBain as the victor, and I as the loser?"

Caitriona tool in a shaky breath, doing her best to calm her already frazzled nerves.

"It is nae my fault that you an' yer men can'na take seige of an unsuspecting castle. It is nae my fault that yer bumbling fools for men can'na manage to capture and kill one impudent wench! " Caitriona seethed, her generous bosom rising and falling in exertion. "We had a bargain, MacKinnon! Balnagown in exchange for ye getting rid of the damn chit! Ye were ta leave my laird alive, and simply take the fort! But, nay! You had to try an' kill him, ya devil swine-"

"Now lass, ye best be careful of the next words that come out of that pretty mouth of yours. I canna be responsible for what I may do if ye insult me again," he growled as he lumbered over her petite form.

Caitriona quivered at the intensity of the man's blue gaze. Begrudgingly, Cat had to admit that he was a handsome example of man. With his Norse flaxen hair and his azure blue eyes that were like icy glaciers. But he was not her laird. Nay! For on Caitriona's soul, her lairds' name was engraved in gold.

When she was not but a wee lass she had come to Balnagown as a refugee; her clan had been anillinated by invaders from the sea. Her coastal home was turned to ashes. But the young heir to the MacBain had offered her compassion and friendship, fighting the demons of her past for her. And no matter what it took, she was going to make her laird hers'-in every way.

And I be damned if I let some little urchin snatch him from me! Catriona glared at the MacKinnon laird, her determination anew.

"You will do as I bid ye, and ye will dispose of the wench before the next full moon, or so help me I will make you rue the day you made a bargain with me!" Caitriona cried as she whirled away from the men.

"I am not one to trifle with lass! I am the MacKinnon, and ye are tredding a thin and wary line. Ye best think twice before threatening me." Tavish growled. "You are a fool. Ye'll give up a grand fortress like Balnagown for a highlander laird and to have a little girl out of your way ... you truly are a deranged and putrid soul, Janet McPherson."

Caitriona's eyes narrowed into slits. Her entire posture altered the moment the name left his lips. A poisonous rage quaked through her. She glared hatfully at the laird and whispered softly;

"Speak that name again, my laird, and ye will regret it."

MacKinnon met her fiery gaze nonplused. They stood there, locked in a stalemate of wills'. It was only broke when one of MacKinnons' men stepped forward.

"My laird, someone approaches."

MacKinnon cursed under his breath, his eyes menacing.

"This is nae over, lass," he hissed, before dashing towards the mouth of the tunnel.

Caitriona grinned wickedly as she watched the laird and his men retreat like skittish mice. She heard footfalls behind her. She twirled around, flashing a smoldering smile.

"Your timing is perfect, as always," she said as she sashayed over to her lover, swiveling her hips seductively.

He flashed a toothy, crooked grin as his hands wandered around her shapely hips, hugging her waist, molding her soft body against his hard one.

"Were they givin' ya trouble, luv? Should I go after them and give 'em hell?"

Caitriona tilted her head back, pearls of laughter trickling free. He was nae the smartest man, but his muscles and other . . . assets made him very reliable.

"Mayhap, later," she said teasingly, with a suggestive smile. "But for now I have other and better activities for us to do."

His thunderous laughter echoed through the corridor as he hoisted her up against the wall, pinning her between himself and the wall.

"I like the way ye think," he growled as he mashed his mouth to hers'.

A low moan began deep in her throat as the kiss grew deeper. She drove her fingers into the snarls of his hair.

Yes, he was an enjoyable distraction. At least until Cailen was hers'. With that thought in her mind, Catriona grew more fierce in her adorations. Yes, she concluded. Everything would turn out right. Both Balnagown and MacBain would be hers'. McKinnon and his lackies, along with the urchin would be ten feet under. And as for her lover, he would be a pleasurable distraction.

Yes, everything would be hers'.

_______________________________________Author's Note___________________________________________________

So for Christmas my parents got me an iPod! I now have wattpad at the tip of my fingers 24/7!!!! Anyway, things are getting serious!!! ;)

I hope everyone enjoys this chapter, I worked hard and I hope I didn't make too many errors! I am not the best speller much less am I a grammar Queen :p

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I look forward to hearing from everyone and wish everyone a happy 2013!!!!

Love, Amber

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