Chapter Twenty-Two: This Love Is Ours'

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Chapter Twenty-Two: This Love Is Ours'

@Hannah's P. O. V.@

I couldn't move, couldn't breathe. I couldn't even blink for crying out loud! All I could was watch in sheer terror and unbidable joy as Cailen slipped his ring onto my finger. It was a gold band, with an insignia embossed on the flat, circle at the top. It almost looked like a cat. The ring hung loosely on my boney finger, the metal still resonating heat from being worn by Cailen.

I met his gaze, my entire body taken over by the suffocating and enormity of his question.

Will ye do the honor of becoming my wife?

Marriage. Marriage?! Marry Cailen. I was sixteen years old. This was huge! Teen marriages weren't even legal with out the consent of an adult-and my adults were a couple of hundreds of years in the future!

"Cailen . . . I-" I froze as the terror gave away, leaving behind something . . . wondrous. It was like my heart was being cracked open and stripped bare, until all that was left was a single word.

"Yes," I whispered.

Those green eyes widened and deepened to the color of emeralds as a smile broke across his handsome face. A thunder of joy broke free and the next thing I knew, I was air born. Cailen's arms were at my waist, lifting me up and spinning us around and a round in dizzying circles.

"Yes? Yes!" Cailen cried before halting in his crazy tornado style dance of joy.

I was giggling so hard that a snort came out, causing me to laugh even harder. Cailen just grinned happily, his mouth swooping down with a tumult of kisses, dropping onto my eyelids, cheeks, temple, chin and all along my jaw line. My mirth faded away as the sweet fire of his kisses began sweep over me.

He paused, his lovely mouth a hairs breadth from mine. "I will make ye the most happiest bride that has ever existed-in this time and yer's."

My heart melted, tears stinging my eyes. As his mouth came down to meet mine in the sweetest of all kisses, I knew without any doubt in my mind that I loved this man. I knew that I would do anything, give up anything-my future, my world-just to be able to have a moment like this. A kiss, a word, a touch.

So I kissed him back with all my heart and in between kisses whispered;

"I know."


Cailen announced our engagement at dinner that very night. There were congratulations, toasts were made and hugs were dealt out. What I loved most about it all was simply his presence-his arm around my waist, our hands clasped, our bodies as close as possible but not nearly close enough. I loved being able to just touch him with out worry or care, that it didn't matter that all I wanted was to run my hands through his hair or feel his lips on my skin.

Eileen and Daisy practically tackled me when the news was announced. Their twin squeals broke several crystal wine glasses as the plowed through the mosh pit that had formed around Cailen and I.

They hugged me until I was blue in the face, but even then they only released me at Cailen's behest, saying that he wouldn't like to marry a corpse.

Eileen rolled her eyes, a fond smile on her face. "So? When is the wedding?"

I balked. Whoa. A wedding. That was even weirder than the thought of actually getting married. I thought of my fantasy-post-time travel. I had imagined a classic Vera Wang dress with a full tulle skirt, strapless with a sweetheart neckline and pearls and lace designs embossed on the bodice. I highly doubted I would be wearing Vera, not now.

I looked to Cailen expectantly.

"I'll send to Father Fredric at once to have the bans read an' after that we will write up the marriage contract. And Hannah's wedding wardrobe must be commissioned . . . I would say November," he said his eyes trained on me.

My ears were sort of ringing. November. It was barely a month away. The idea was terrifying and awesome all at the same time. I was so lost in the mixing pot of my thoughts that I hadn't even noticed that Daisy and Eileen had left our group. It was only when Cailen placed a soft kiss on my nose that I became aware of the world once again.

"Where are ye, Hannah mine?"

I laughed. "Right here, obviously."

Cailen growled, an incredibly sexy sound. "Sarcasm doesnae befit my wife-to-be."

Wife! I gave him a smug smile. "Oh, really? I hate to say it, but it's part of the Hannah-Roberts-21st-century-girl package"

Cailen's smiled turned from teasing to wistful. "I know that marriage is a scary thing, but tis naught to worry about."

I quirked my eyebrow at him. "Oh? And here I thought I was going to be your first wife."

That electrifying grin appeared. "My first and my last. As I will for ye."

I grinned as I reached up to wrap one of my hands around the back of his neck, the soft wisps of hair there like down feathers, tickling my finger tips as I brought his face down to mine.

"I couldn't want it any other way," I whispered just before our lips met.

This kiss was rapturous. It consumed, and it destroyed. It rebirthed our souls anew, intertwined and whole. Distantly I heard a chorus of laughter, cat whistles and clapping. And to be honest, neither one of us really cared.

__________________________________Author's Note_________________________________________

The shortest chapter I have written in a long while. You guys have just been so good and supportive you just deserved this!!! So, in this chapter I focused on their love. I'm trying to strive for genuine emotion and love. I don't want any of this to come across as fake!!!!

So ... I took a risk and updated my Watty app ... and was happy I did!!!! I can now use bold s and italics guys! when I learned the trick I practically cried!!! CRIED! So I went back edited the last twenty-one chapters a bit. I deserve a cookie ^_^

I cannot wait for September! any Oncers reading can understand why! 9/29/13 :D Need some CaptainSwan. So, my minions(I think that'll be what I call you guys, like Lady G's Monsters) on my twitter account(posted on my profile) I am going to start tweeting extras and photos from my stories(yes including H&H). These smidgens will also appear on my Tumblr and Instagram(likewise posted on my prof). So please, come follow me :)

Minions(I like it!!!) please FOLLOW! VOTE! COMMENT! Y'all have just been a DREAM! I could just hug you, kiss you and call you George!!! 1k votes for this book!!!! cannot believe it!!!

Okay, song ideas for this chapter? hm? pretty soon once I get my stuff together I will start adding songs from YouTube and the full Play List at the end of the book. For chapter 12: betrayal Im think Your Betrayal by Bullet For My Valentine. Basic theme works for me.

Chapter 23 will be up in due time my minions. Just ... just remember I write romances, not tragedies. Okay?

Ta-ta, my lovely minions
LOL forever yours, Amber!

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