Chapter Five: The Escape Through Fire

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Note: To avoid needless confusion, this is taking up right after the door is being chopped up.

(Told u guys i had 2 chapters for u :P)

Chapter Five: Escape Through Fire

@Hannah's P.O.V.@

I whirled away from the door, turning to face the grey faced woman. She wasn't trembling like fear, as I would have expected, instead she looked pissed off. I mean, seriously peeved.

"How'd they make it inside?" I shouted, the heinous laughter and the effort of trying to take the door down, made for a big dose of chaos. "I thought this place was a fortress!"

"Likely spies," she said as she moved away glancing around the tower room. "They more than likely allowed some of MacKinnon's men inside."

I followed after her, as she paced around the room almost luxuriously. She stopped suddenly, pressing her withered hands against the thicko stone wall, then kneeling on all fours, continuing to press down on all surfaces.

Great! Grandma's gone batty!

"Um, hello!?" I shouted, my fear rising higher and higher ever second. "We have got to get out of here! I saw Braveheart! I know what Scottish guys do to girls when they pillage villages and whatever!"

The old woman straightened to her full five foot zilch height, but the look she gave me would probably make a Smack Down rustler quake in his leather boots.

"Are you daft girl? I'm trying to find a way out of this damn tower! These old keeps have hidden passage ways-made for situations just like this! Now shut your yapping and help me look for a weak point."

I clamped my mouth shut feeling a little bit cowed. Turning away from her I crouched down on all fours and complied. I felt around the floor, the seems of the stones that made up the walls and the floor.

I paused over a stone next to the wardrobe. I sat there for a long moment leaving my hand suspended in the air concentrating all of my senses into the one. I couldn't quite understand what I was feeling. It felt like . . . a breeze.

"Hey! Yo, Grandma! I think I found something!" I called over my shoulder.

The old woman was by my side in a moment, crouching down next to me, her eyes observing the spot where my hand lay.

"There's a draft here-like as in there's a passage or a weak point here or something."

"Or something," she said cryptically. "There should be a lever of some sort that opens it."

I was already pulling on stones and pushing on them to avail. My eyes turned to the wardrobe and a thought struck me.

"The wardrobe! It's behind the wardrobe! C'mon, help me move it."

The both of us scrambled to our feet-I had to admit for an old biddy she was sure something, I hoped I was as half as active as she was when I'm her age. We shoved and pushed with all our strength, managing to made it budge just a smidgen. I wedged my hand between the tiny open space, a lightning bolt of relief jolting me at the feeling of wind against my hand.

"This is it," I said with as much excitement as someone who'd just won Deal or No Deal.

I wedged my hands behind the wardrobe, and started to push with as much effort as I could. It gave a way inch by inch, just enough so that someone could squeeze through.

"C'mon, granny, this is our ticket out of here." I said as I moved out of the way for her.

She fixed me a hard look with her steely eyes, the same furious gaze that she seemed to like so much.

"My name isn't Grandma, old biddy, and it sure isn't granny. My name is Michelle."

I sighed, nodding my head vigorously. "Yeah, yeah. Okay. Just go. I'd rather keep my virginity and my head intact. Now, come on, Michelle."

A loud, sickening crack made us freeze in fear, our eyes drawn unwillingly to the door. A good chunk of it was gone, I could make out the dirt and blood caked faces of the raiders as they struggled to gain entrance to the room.

"Come on! Now!" I yelled shoving her at the wardrobe.

She listened for once, ducking and shimming through the tiny space. Once she was through, I paused, a terrible idea rising in my head.

Nothing would stop them from following us through the passage way once they got pasted the door. I glanced around wildly, my eyes falling on the still roaring fire in the fire place. Just like that the idea came to me, and I sprung into action. Grabbing one of the tapestries, I tossed one of the corners into the flames. It almost instantly caught on fire.

I dashed over to the door, tossing the burning cloth on the dresser, hesitating long enough t see the fire leech off the tapestry to the dresser. The flames moved fasted and ravenous over the dresser and to the door. I heard the men's cries of surprise and pain as the flames shot out, burning their arms and hands.

Shouts and curses rang out, making me smile smugly. The smile was instantly whipped away when the flames soared higher, latching onto the pillars.

I whirled away from the chaos, squirming past the wardrobe. The old woman was waiting for me her eyes wide with surprise, I also saw a bit of worry in them.

"What took you so long?" she asked as we started down the hall.

"I had to make sure we couldn't be followed." I said, as I latched my hand on her arms and started tugging her forward at a faster pace. "Come on, we have to hurry, the tower's on fire, and if we don't we're going to be barbecued."


I turned in surprise to see the black tabby skipping towards me, her green eyes glowing the dark. My mouth fell open in surprise-I'd completely forgot the damn thing.

"Cat!" I yelled in surprise, releasing granny's arm to scoop up the kitten. "How in the Sam hill did you get in here?"

"Child, this isn't the time and smell the roses! The kit can wait until we're away from this place!"

I blushed, feeling just a bit more than a little ridiculous for having a full on convo with a damned cat. If it weren't for this damn thing I wouldn't have nearly become a Scottish styled shish kabob!

I scooped up the kitten-it letting out frantic meows and yowls of protest-and started down the hall in a dead run. Wind beated against my skin, filling with hope, hope that there was a light at the end of this hellish nightmare I stumbled into so unexpectedly.

I heard a breathless oof! followed by a cry of pain. I whirled to find that granny-I mean Michelle!-had falled, her hands clasping her ankle, her face a mask of pain. I started back when I heard it. The sydonic laughter of hunters who had just stumbled upon helpless prey.

Unwillingly I looked over towards the end of the hall, where I had been so thoughtlessly running towards. A group of savage looking men, all dressed in those damned skirts and welding swords that looked like they weighted more than me, and axes that I knew deep down weren't used for choppping down trees. They eyed me like I was a freaking happy meal.

"Why aren't ye just a pretty lassie?"

__________________________Author's Note_______________________

Well. I promised you guys 2 chapters and I have delivered!!!! I am doing this because I love writing. I don't have to post any chapters. So I would appreciate some understanding guys. Anyways, well, another cliff hanger. Ya guys must really think i suck huh? Well, next one will be a wait, I have to look at my other ones now for a smidgen.

Comment, Fan and Vote everyone :)


Amber ;p

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