Chapter Two: Waiting to Wake Up

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Chapter Two: Waiting to Wake Up

@Cailen's P.O.V.@

Cailen lunged to catch the girl, managing to do so before she hit the ground. He laid a tentative callused hand on her forehead and winced. She was on fire with fever. In one swift movement he gathered her up in his arms and placed her back on the bed. The fever was likely why she was speakin o' such strange things, Cailen thought as he smoothed back her fair hair.

"Milord?" a small tentative voice came from behind the door.

Cailen turned to find the healer, Eileen watching from the doorway. She was a snarky lass, her hair a wild whisp of red curls. A small heart shaped face set with a curious pair of brown eyes. Cailen motioned for her to come closer.

"She woke for but a few moments, rambling on about roads, strange land and green ladies. And then she fainted. Her body's on fire with fever," he added as Eileen went about checking her head dresses.

"Aye, a drought of yarrow will help with that. I'l make it right away." Eileen said as she probed at her neck. "Her heart is weak. The next time she wakes fed her-hot broth and the yarrow drought. Until the fever breaks I can'na do more." Eileen made to leave, but paused at the door. "Milord, what exactly did she say?"

"She rambled on about the strangest things, Eileen. I'm sure they were from the fever-"

"Cailen," the girl hissed, propping her hands on her hips. "I nay asked what you thought. I asked for what exactly the lass said."

Cailen sighed. One thing was for sure about the women in Eileen's family-they could talked down to even a king.

"She said somthing about America-a land across the sea. An othing she had said was a cahr. She kept yellin' about those. As I said she said something about a green lady holdin' a torch, and a place called New York. Is there not a York in England?" he asked her, but she made no reply.

"Eileen?" The woman had gone pale. She stared at the girl in the bed as if she were some kind of other worldly being.

"Cailen," she said, grabbing hold of his sleeve. "I can'na say why but, you must send for my Gran. She will know what will be best to help her."

"Aye, but Eileen yer gran is a three day ride away-the journey will be hard."

"Nay! I tell ye, Cailen MacBain that she may be the only person in this country who can help the poor lass!"

Cailen was taken aback by here out burst. But he kept his tempered leveled. "Aye, I will send for her at once. In the mean time do what ye can for the lass."

Eileen nodded and then was gone, closing the door behind her. Cailen sighed, turning back to the sleeping girl before him. She looked incredibly frail, her once light golden skin, now a sickly pallor. Her brow was drenched with sweat, she let out a miserable moan as she twisted around in the bed. His heart seized-in pity? Empathy? Or was it something else? He didn't know. All he knew that watching this girl wither in pain was causing him pain.

"Neh . . ." she groaned, as she rolled onto her side, her arms reaching out, searching for something-someone. Her hand clasped his, her hand so small and pale against his own. It was a novelty to him of just how small she was.

"Mom . . . " she whimpered into the bed sheets, her grip on him tightening.

He leaned over her, grabbing the dampened cloth from the water basin Eileen had brought up. He laid it gently across her burning brow. Her eyes fluttered open, her blue doe eyes meeting his. She gaze was unfocused, but her grip on his hand tightened until her knuckle's were white, and his skin began to tinge red.

"Don't go." she pleaded her eyes struggling to focus on him. "Please."

Cailens' throat tightened. He laid his large, callused hand over hers, gently squeezing it.

"Aye, I will na' go anywhere, lass. Now sleep." he whispered, lifting his hand to smooth back her hair from her face.

She nodded weakly, and then her eyes closed once more as she surrendered to a restless, fevered sleep. Cailen let out another huff of air, settling into his chair, bracing his arms by her side, watching her as she slept. Before he knew it, he too was asleep; his dreams filled with a daunting angel with hair the color of gold.

____________________________Author's Note________________________

Hi, i know, i know. I usually update quicker than this. But my new werewolf story just kept on screaming for attention. Im like \0/ sooo hard. But anyway, yeah its short I kno. But more will come guys I swear. I just thought y'all deserved an update after so long. I felt bad :( Plz COMMENT!!! vote and fan :D

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