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I blink a countless amount of times. I can't tell if my eyes are open or closed so place my hand over my right eye and determine that its open. A flood of panic washes over my body at the thought that I might be blind. My body is achy and heavy feeling, almost like I just woke up. What happened?
"Molly?" I croak. "Hello?" I say I little louder.
"Anyone there?!" I hear a man yell out from a little ways away. He must not be able to see either.
"I'm here! I can't see!" I cry out loud enough so he can hear me. My voice echoes through the dark mall in an eerie way.
"I'll keep making noise, you follow the sound of my voice. There are three of us down here!" He shouts. It sounds like he's down one floor, maybe by the escalator? I think for a moment, should I follow the sound of their voices? What if they're bad people?
"This way! We are on the first floor! I think you need to find the escalator!" It's a kid's voice. I decide I should find these people and figure out what the heck is going on. I get on all fours and begin to crawl along slowly, my arms feeling the cold floor in front of me. Suddenly my hand falls on something warmish and soft. I pat it and try to figure out what it is, and how to get past it. I pull my phone out of my pocket, remembering that I have it with me. I try to turn it on, but no light escapes it, it must be dead. I feel the long object in front of me until my hand lands in something warm and sticky. I realize what my hand is on, a bloody person's face. I scream and my hand flies away from the person's body.
"What, what is it?!" I hear the man yell.
"There's a bloody person up here!!!" I screech and begin sucking in shallow breathes.
"It's okay! Calm down! Just follow my voice!"
"I can't!" I back away from where the body was and feel more bodies further behind me. I scream again and stand up, wobbling. I hear a commotion downstairs where the voices were coming from.
"I'm sorry! We have to go!" The man yells, I hear the kid crying. He must only be about four.
"No!! Wait I'm coming!!" I begin to panic. "Don't leave me!" I run towards the direction I thought his voice was coming from, stumbling on a couple of bodies. Suddenly there is no ground beneath me, and I tumble down what feels like a bunch of sharp rocks.
I guess I found the escalator, at least it wasn't on. Nothing is on.

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