God Forbid...

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*Sunday Morning*

"WAKE UP!" Tyra screams while running down the hall. A few moments later here comes Jason banging a stick on my door. He runs in and jumps on my bed. He crawls on me and i can feel his hot breath on me. "JASON" He starts laughing and runs out my room. I get up cause i dont feel like dealing with my dad's mouth. Today's Sunday and God forbid that the Pastor be late to his own church. I go to my closet and pick out a skirt and nice top. I went to shower and came back in my room to get dressed. I went back to bathroom brushed my teeth and did my hair. I put on my heels, grabbed my purse and phone, then walked out my room. I banged on Marcus door to make sure he was up. Yeah i hate him at times, but I still look out for him. I walked down the stairs to grab a breakfast bar. We dont have time to eat a real breakfast because you know God forbid... I sit at the counter and ate my granola bar while i wait for the rest. "Hey sweetie, you look nice" My mom says as she walks towards me. She kisses my forehead and makes my dad's coffee. "Did you like your wake up call" she ask with a smirk. I looked up puzzled at her. "Your savage" i told her. We both laughed. "Good morning ladies" my dad says to us. He walked in kissed me on the forehead and gave my mom kiss. "Someone is in a good mood" i said. My mom looked at me with a sad look then at him. She turned around and started making her hot tea. "I cant be in a good mood Jas?" I looked at him and shook my head. This man is acting weird. "Okay we need to go because Deaconess Ryley always talking about how we walk in 5 mins before church starts" my mom said shooing everyone out the door.

Dareit POV
"DAAARREEIIT" my mom screamed from her room. I was having a nice dream about me and some honeys. Knock knock. I didnt have in my hearing aid so i did not near her big introduction. She walked to my bed slipped one of hearing aids into my ear and shook me again. This lady i swear doesnt she know how early it is. "Dareit, sweetie, get up we going to church." My eyes shot open. "What?" "One of co-workers invited me to her church service, and I told her we would come." "Ma first of all she invited YOU not both of us. Second of all God rested on the seventh day and that is what i shall do as well" i said pulling the covers over my head. "BOY get your ass up." She said yanking the covers off of me. I started to shiver because of the cold air. She sat on the bed. " Look, ever since your Dad passed way we have been slacking." She said while looking at a picture of my Dad on my night stand. I looked at the picture as well. Man I missed him a lot. I sighed. "Okay" I got up and went to get ready.

I was lowkey feeling myself this morning. Just because I am the preachers kid does not mean I cant still slay. "Good Morning First Lady" Deaconess Ryley said, "you are on time this morning I see. Great!" She says with a smile. I knew Mama could not stand that lady, but since she loves Jesus AND she is the preachers wife ,she deals with her. We walk to our usual seats. My dad, I mean Pastor Smith was in the back getting ready for service. I was getting bored. We had like 20 mintues left before church started. I looked around scanning the congregation. Our church is small but its not one of those country churches. Its a decent size. I turned back around and noticed Tyra and Jason were taking pictures on my phone. "Gimme my phone back" i said. They were all on my snapchat, Instagram, twitter you name it. They both laughed as i tried to retrieve my phone back. "Y'all hush up with all that" my mom said annoyed. We stopped quickly because of her tone we knew today was going to be rocky.

Dareit POV
"Oh honey you look so adorable" my mom said while kissing me on the cheek. "Thanks Ma" "Come on before we are late. I want to get good seats". We walked out the door and she throws me the keys. "Your driving " she said. I got in the drivers seat and turned to my station. It was playing Kanye. "OH NO NO NO. not today." She exclaimed. She turned to a gospel station and it was playing kirk franklin. I looked at her, shook my head, and started the car. "Gotta keep the Sabbath day holy" she said patting me on the shoulder.
*30 mins later*
Yeah we are late. We got lost on the way. I shut of the car and ma was freaking out because she did not want to sit in the front. I locked the car, checked myself in the mirror, and headed inside. We open the door to the church and all I can hear is drum beats and people singing. "Okay good its just praise and worship" my mom said in relief. I opened the door to the sanctuary and we both walked through . "Heres a program" an usher said. Another usher showed us to a pew. I was scanning around the room just to check the people out. I did not recognize anyone. I sat down in the pew and started planning out how I will survive for the next hour. I started off by slowly silencing my phone. I checked my pocket to make sure I had gum. I looked up at my mom. She was clapping her hands and singing along with the choir. I decided I will be on best behavior just for her. While the choir was singing their last note the Pastor walked out onto the pulpit. "Good Morning Church" he said into the microphone. The church responded by saying "Morning". " Is it not great to be in the house of the Lord another day" he continued. " He has woken us up today. He could of left you in your bed breathless or unable to move, but he didnt. He told me to rise, so i rose. Thank God for another day. " The church roared with clapping and people yelling "Thank you Lord".i decided to turn the volume down a little on my hearing aids because my ears are sensitive enough. "Its never to early to give him praise." A few Amens were thrown into the air. "Okay, do we have any guests with us this morning? May i ask you to please stand" My mom stood up. I wasn't going to stand up but she gave that look so i stood up. A few others stood up as well.

Jas Pov
While the choir was singing their last note the my dad walked out onto the pulpit. "Good Morning Church" he said into the microphone. The church responded by saying "Morning". " Is it not great to be in the house of the Lord another day" he continued. " He has woken us up today. " oh goodness he about to carry on i said to Marcus. We both laughed. "He could of left you in your bed breathless or unable to move, but he didnt. He told me to rise, so i rose. Thank God for another day. Its never to early to give him praise." A few Amens were thrown into the air. "Okay, do we have any guests with us this morning? May i ask you to please stand". To be honest this is my favorite part of service because 1) only time i get to turn around and stare at people and 2) there might be some cute guys visiting. I was scanning the room and i noticed this boy who looked familiar. His mom was giving him this look like "stand up boy". I chuckled to myself. I them realized it was Dareit. A smile grew on my face. I dont like him or anything like that. My mom noticed and tapped me on my leg. "Who is that" she mouthed. " Dareit" i said back. The choir started singing the welcome song. People got up and started shaking hands. My focus was on Dareit, but being the Pastor's daughter and stuff I have to say hello to everybody and they mama. I finally got to Dareit. He looked so awkward and lost. "Dareit" i said, trying to yell over the music. He turned around and a smile grew over his face. I hugged him but not to long. I cant give the deaconess something to gossip about. "Hey Jas" he said, "You go here?" "Yeah" i said. The choir started singing their last verse and I had to get back to me seat. "We can talk after church i told him" "okay" he said with a smile. I walked back to my seat.

After church

I grabbed my purse and headed to the bathroom. I cant leave anyways cause you know how church people are. They love to congregate after service, especially with the pastor. I washed my hands and headed towards the fellowship hall. "Jas" i heard someone say. I turned around and i saw my manda, kevin, braddie, felicia, and demane all standing there. I did not know if i should be excited to them or show anger towards them. Not over thinking the situation i ran over to them and hugged them all.

"Where have yall been?" I asked ," Nobody can return my calls or texts? Are yall too cool for me now?". "we sorry about that" kevin said. " since the party on friday alot has happend which i have to tell you later" felicia explained. " yeah a whole lot" demane repeated while stretching his eyes. "Well im glad you guys are safe bescause i heard about the gun." I said.

Dareit POV
I have been sitting in this pew for the past 10 minutes waiting on my mom. Im trying to be on my best behavior but im ready to go. She over here talking to everybody. I decided to go find Jasmine. I was walking towards the fellowship when i saw jas talking to her friends. "Hey yall" i said walking over.

"Wassup bruh. Havent seen you in a lil mintue" demane said dapin up dareit. "Hey dareit" manada said while hugging him. " how was yalls little date" kevin said jokingly. "Shut up man" jasmine said pushing him jokingly. "It went quite well" i said with a smirk. "Oh so yall did the dance with no pants" demane said loudly. "BOY! We in church " Jas said slapping him across his head. I started laughing.

"Dareit" i heard someone say. I turned around and it was my mom. She was looking for me. I told jas and them bye and headed over to her.

Felicia POV
Dareit is a cool guy. I would prefer Jas to date him because BB is no good for her. The reason we came to church is because theres a rumor going over facebook that Jas and BB had sex. I guess she hasnt been on lately because she would of mentioned something. I want to tell her, but i dont know how to bring it up.  "Hey, yo we got to go" Braddie said, "Ma throwing down in the kitchen". He said while rubbing his stomach. "Okay, ill catch yall later. But yall answer your phone before i gotta send out the hounds on yall." Jas said. While the others walked away i stayed behind to talk with Jas.

felicia stayed behind. I guess she was ganna the news she had. "Whats up" she pulled me to a corner.  "What's wrong" i said looking at her oddly. "Uhhhh, i dont know how to say this but theres a rumor circulating on facebook about you.
I swear if Dareit opened his big mouth about what happened at my house, imma hurt him. GOD FORBID...

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2017 ⏰

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