#3- Skinny Girl Problems

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“Hello,” an Indian girl sits on a leather sofa, her long legs folded under her, holding a controller. She looks up at me with large brown eyes. “You must be my roomie,” she smiles, flashing white teeth.

“Hey,” I say shyly, lumbering inside the dorm room with my bags behind me. I close the door, and stand there awkwardly.

“I’m Alisha. You can call me Ali.” Then she gives me the once over. “You’re skinny.”

“Yeah, I get that a lot. My name’s Cat.”

“Like the animal?” She giggles. “Is that short for something?”

“Yeah, for Catherine.”

People were always telling me that I was skinny, which was something that I really couldn’t help. When I was a baby, I got a stomach ulcer, which started to eat my stomach. In a weird turn of events, my metabolism was completely boosted. And, my chubby baby- self started to get skinny.

“But it’s okay, cause you have all the necessary ‘fat’,” Alisha said, giggling again. My arms immediately fly to my boobs, covering them up. Saki laughs.

See, my family is a tad large, and they’re known to have some curve. So, even though I’m skinny, my hips, butt, and boobs were rather large for my size.

“Thanks,” I mumbled.

“Nope,” she says, completely oblivious to the nervousness radiating off of me, “my room is on the left. Oh, and I actually put food into the fridge, ha-ha. So if you’re hungry, just get some food,” Saki goes back whatever video game she’s playing.

I drag my bags into my room, and take a look around. It was a pretty room. The walls were a pretty champagne color, and the carpet was clean. A queen bed was in the middle of the room, and there was a large closet to the right. We shared a bathroom, which was in the hall. The room seemed comfortable enough. I towed my three fully packed suitcases into the closet, and then flopped down onto the bed, sighing. It too was fairly comfortable.

I’d flown for hours from Houston to get here. Adjusting my glasses, I read my schedule. It was only two days to get situated, and then class started on Monday. Being the procrastinator I am, I came on the last day. By plane. Because I can’t drive. Well, I can. I have my license and everything, but not a car.

I make the bed with some light blue and purple striped sheets. After putting my clothes into the closet (they barely fit), I run my fingers through my red hair and decide to go take a shower.

The bathroom was pretty nice too. Its walls were light pink and white, and it was spacy. Products littered the counter near the sink. Mainly hair products. I put mine down next to Saki’s.

You know how showers are when you think about the world, and the deeper meanings of life?

I wasn’t thinking about that right now. Right now, I was thinking about getting something to eat, and then going to sleep.

When I step out of the bathroom, my hair wet and my body wrapped in a white towel, I walk to my room.

“Nope, nope. This won’t do at all,” Alisha says. She sits on my bed; her legs crossed looking at my drivers’ license, and then back at me. And then looking at the clothes on my bed; jeans, and a T-Shirt from High School.

“What are you doing in my room?”

“Honey, college is for boy catching. You can’t catch boys with glasses and your hair always in a ponytail, doll,” she responds, completely ignoring the question.

“My dad says that I should focus on my studies,” I answer. Also, he said that I can’t date. And he has my sister watching me.

My older sister, Julia, has brunette hair and is completely oblivious to the stares all the guys give them.

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