#7- The Pursuit of Gemma Kaegan

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Cameron has had everything served to him before he even asked. It was just the way he was. Inheriting his mother clear blue eyes and dirty blond hair, and his father’s clear complexion and nice body, he was well handsome, and a most wanted. Girls threw themselves at him. Most times, he denied.

There were those few rare times though, that he chose to go out with those girls, and sometimes, they just wanted his money. Or, they just wanted to get the things he got.

Almost all the time, they wanted status.

At a prestigious school like this, why wouldn’t they want status? Status is practically what makes the world go ‘round at this school. Cameron just happened to be one of those at the top. And everyone wanted to be at the top.

His best friend, Lauren, a German-Korean made it to the top simply by being beautiful. A lot of girls are like that.

Cameron was just getting tired of a school in which everyone kept a certain status, when a new girl walked into the cafeteria in the morning.

The large doors opened, and a tan Spanish looking girl with blood red hair walked into the cafeteria, her bag over one shoulder. She looked nervous, but confident at the same time.

The girl passed by Cameron’s table first, and those at the table all went silent, staring at her as she went by. She looks back at them, and her eyes catch Cameron’s. The first thing that catches his attention is her blood red hair, and the next thing is the fact that she has the most beautiful eyes he’s ever seen.

And he’s looked at his eyes in the mirror before.

This girl has aqua blue-green eyes, framed by dark red lashes on a lightly tanned face. Her eyebrows are also red, and perfectly done to compliment her face. Her nose slopes, completely straight, and her lips are full cupid bows.

The way she held herself made her look like she didn’t necessarily know how she looked, but that she knew enough about herself to know to have reason to hold her head up high. Cameron can’t keep her eyes off of her, and he’s still looking at her when she goes to sit at the other side of the cafeteria with an underclass girl of a slightly lower status.

The status’ went like this; One- very top of the food chain. Those that looked beautiful, dressed well, and carried themselves like they meant something. They were also smart. Two- Those that were smart, but not exactly good looking. They dressed decently, and would indeed be classified as nerds in other schools. Three- Those that think they should be at the top of the food chain, and attempt to climb their way up there by being rude, mean, and fighting. They’re mainly the more ghetto people. There are a few exceptions, of course.

Four- Those that weren’t smart, weren’t good looking, and didn’t fight. They’re the ones that sit at the back of the class chewing gum, and texting. They’d be known as the more popular students at other schools.

And Five- Those that no one pays attention to, and that no one knows is there. Simple as that.

This girl, Cameron thinks, this girl could easily be in the First. She’s sitting with one of the exceptions in the Third. Who is she?

“You’ll catch flies,” Lauren, who’s sitting right next to Cameron, says, and follows his eyes with a smirk. “Like what you see?”

“Who is she?” Cameron asks, completely ignoring her question.

“Gemma Kaegan. She’s straight from Italy.” Cameron’s eyes stay on her.

“How unusual…”

“Her hair or her eyes? Honestly, she’s model worthy, and she doesn’t even know it,” Lauren says.

“Red hair like the Borgia guards outfits, and eyes like the Mediterranean,” Cameron says, melting in his shoes slightly.

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