#8- The Things That Make You Change

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Mora said that he’d say yes.

I was excited.

The worst he could do was say no. If I didn’t ask him now, I’d have to wait all of summer to ask him.


I was going to ask him out. Pushing my glasses up, and combing my fingers through my hair, I looked at my reflection in the mirror. I looked semi-decent with my hair down, covering one of my emerald green eyes. My mud brown hair flowed around my shoulders. I was dressed in an SMU sweatshirt, light blue jeans, and tennis shoes.

Yeah, I think I looked semi-decent. Hugging my backpack to myself, I swing around, intending to walk all the way down to the football field to go ask him out.

It was going to be in public too, so hopefully, if he denies, he can think about how humiliated I’ll most likely be, and let me off easy.

“I’m here every step of the way, Doll,” Mora had said. But then, she’d had to leave early for dance. It was my last day at school, which finished three days from now, because I had to catch a flight after school today to head down to Florida to see some relatives. And I’m going to be staying there all summer.

With my backpack on my back, I forced my lanky legs to take me through the school, head down, and then out the side door to the football field. Butterflies danced in my stomach, more and more spawning.

Then, I finally reached the field.

The cheerleaders and football players were practicing for their last game tomorrow. Gulping, I walk down to where the football players are taking a break.

All eyes are on me. Seeing a girl who could be easily identified as a nerd on the football field is definitely a sight to see.

I hear snickers from some cheerleaders, and football players.

“Hi,” I say shyly to Josh Nicolas, my crush, when I walk up to him. He turns to me with an eyebrow raised, a Gatorade in his hand.

“Hi?” Things are taking a weird turn. People laugh.

“Er… I was wondering…” The words come out of my mouth fast, “Doyouwanttogooutsometimeorsomething?” The laughs get louder.

“Excuse me?”

“Doyouwanttogooutwithme?” I speak a tad slower. Josh looks at me, and then he laughs the biggest laugh. And it was harsh. And it was rude.

“With you?!” He laughs, he clutches his sides. My face burns red.

“Why would he want to go out with you?” Someone sneers from behind him. Josh is still doubled over in laughter. A blonde with a fake nose, fake tan, and fake boobs walks up, her posse of three following behind her.

Jessica Martin.

I gulp again.

She pushes me.

“Why would anyone want to go out with a weak thing like you? Who’d want to go out with a weak, ugly thing like you?” She pushes me again. I trip and fall backwards, tears brimming in my eyes.

Jessica and her posse, Megan the brunette and Teia the black one, steps over Josh’s rolling, dying in laughter body.

She snorts.

“You’re really stupid for a nerd. He doesn’t want to go out with you,” she says slowly, leaning closer to me, “no one wants to go out with you.” People laugh. Nobody helps.

Turning my head, looking at the laughing people, I see a boy with dark brown hair wearing a gray beanie on his wavy hair. He looks at me with some sadness in his eyes. I look back.

“Go away, fucktard. No one wants you. You can go hang yourself now,” says Jessica, and she turns around, and walks towards Josh, who’s now sitting up, smirking at me, and she sits down on his lap.


Tears now spilling over my cheeks, I run my arm across my nose and everything.

“I think I will,” I say, my voice hoarse. Turning my head back to the where I last saw the guy, I figure out that he’s gone. Slowly, I walk away from the scene, my dignity left on the ground where I fell.

I was seriously considering killing myself when I walk into the halls, and sit on a stairwell, my sobs racking my bony body.

“Hey, now,” a deep voice says from near me, I look up, and the guy from earlier is standing on the top stair. He comes down to where I’m sitting, and sits down next to me. “Don’t cry.” He then proceeds to take out a tissue, and takes my chin, and then he rubs the tissue over my cheeks and under my nose. I harshly jerk my chin away from him.

“You saw what they were doing,” I exclaim, my voice rising, “and you still didn’t do anything! You heard them call me ugly and nerdy and all these things, and you still didn’t do anything!”

“What’s wrong with being a nerd?”

“That’s not the point!”

He stays quiet for a little while. I look him straight in his ocean blue eyes.

“I wanted to see how you’d react. Crying will not make it better. You have to prove to them that you’re wrong. That you’re beautiful, and that you’re smart, but not nerdy. And that someone will like you. Promise me that you’ll do that, okay?” Than he stands up, and walks down the hall, is bag thrown over his shoulder.

I cock my head to the side, watching his retreating figure.

He was right. Even if I didn’t want to admit it. Crying, and killing myself is not the way that I can prove to them that they’re wrong and end this. I had to do something drastic to get them to shut the fuck up. Which is exactly what they needed to do.

 “Hey!” I shout at his retreating figure. He turns around. “I promise!” I could see his radiant smile from here. Then he turns back around, and vanishes.

He was so right.

Having a plan, I smile, my head up, and walk out of the school building.

They were seriously going to regret that they did that.

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