#4- Sphinx

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I’d caught a cat! Well, not really. It followed me home, but it stood on the step. It’s only when I started reading in a tree that I saw the mysterious gold and black cat with the strange green eyes glaring at me. I could easily identify it as a Bengal cat. His eyes were much like mine.

Leaving the book I was reading where I was sitting in the tree, I hopped off and walked towards the cat.

Watching me, it sits like a king, staring me down as I get nearer. Slowly, it sits up. And then stands up, its eyes never leaving mine.

“Hey, there,” I say, reaching my hand out. It hisses at me softly, as if in warning. I retract my hand, and then, just as slowly, reach my hand forward. “Hey!” I shout in pain. It scratches me. A smirk sits on its kitty lips. It was then that I lunge forward in attempt to grab this spawn of Satan. It dances away from my hands, leaping over my head. The cat smiles at me. He thinks this is a joke. He thinks this is a damn joke!

I slide in another attempt to grab him. He jumps onto my head, and just sits there. He pummels my face with his little hind legs and then sits on my stomach.

Lying down in defeat with my stomach turned up, I sigh. The Bengal kitten turns around to look at me, and then his face breaks into the widest grin. He jumps from where he was sitting on my stomach, and slides under my arm in an embrace.

“Oh, now you want to come to me?” He purrs. “M’kay. Got a name?”

“What’re you doing, Bridges? Searching for your family?” I hear a shout come from across the street. Startled and angry, I sit up. There, across the street, is my long time enemy Wyatt Colton. What kind of person has a first name for a last name?

“Shut up, Colton,” Is the best I can come up with. When it comes to my family, there’s nothing I can really say. See, I’m adopted. My parents still think I don’t know, but I found the records.

“Don’t have anything better to say, sunshine?” I push my black hair out of my face, staring straight at him through my glasses, and I’m about to rush over there to give him an Adri beat down, but the Bengal kitten beats me to it.

He does a surreal growl, bursting up three sizes bigger, and stalking slowly to Wyatt.

If Wyatt wasn’t such an a-hole, he’d be kind of cute. But his ego clouds his looks.

“Who’s that? Your protector, Bridges?”

“That’s exactly what he is, Colton. He’s got a mean bite in him, so you better move away now.”

“So this is your family?”

Somehow word had gotten out to Colton that I was adopted. Probably from my big mouthed best friend Miranda.

“Closest thing I got,” I whisper. My parents treated me fairly enough, but they were never close to me. They always had to work, always had to do something without me. So, I mainly was around the house doing homework that we hadn’t gotten yet, and reading so that I could get lost in another world.

Looking back up, I watch as the Bengal kitten’s green eyes focus on Wyatt. He seems unable to move, in a trance by the eyes of the kitten. His sinister smile comes up as he gets nearer and nearer to Wyatt. Then, he stops. Flattening his ears to the sides of his head, the Bengal kitten lets out a blood- curdling screech. It makes my heart jump, and scares the hell out of Wyatt, who stumbles back and falls.

Then, he does something I wouldn’t think he’d do; he gets in the same position as the kitten is, and they stare each other down.

They don’t move.

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