Chapter 2-Harry Styles

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Harry POV

Me and Niall were watching "Finding Nemo", when the Lou came in and sat right next to Niall or should i say almost on his lap. Something hit me in the but i looked down and there was nothing there or is it because i am jealous that is almost on MY Nialls lap, i mean on Nialls lap. No i cn't be jealous of Lou, mean if Niall was gay he would go after Liam or Zayn but Lou and me, he wouldn't love us like that. That is a funny thought Niall gay hahahaha and him going after Lou is more funny,sometimes i crack myself up. Ok Harry go back to watching the movie and stop thinking about Niall being a fag and who he will date if he was one. The movie was almost over, Niall and Lou would not stop talking the more they talke, the more i was gettting mad.

"Will you two please be quiet or go get a room?" i asked as nice as possblie.

"Niall maybe me and you should go talk in my room, since Mr.Styles here does not like us talking during a movie that end 3 minutes ago" said the very sassy Louis.

Lou was the first to get up but Niall looked like he was having a battle with himself and then he finally got off the couch and followed Lou into his room. 'Nice Job,Harry look what you did you made Niall go with Lou into his bedroom were they have all the PIRVATE they can wish for. Who knowns what they are doing in there, they might be having they time of their lifes in there. Maybe you should go spy on them' My brain was right they have all this pirvate and who knowns what they are doing in there. I should go spy on them, in case Lou hurts Nialls feelings or something. So i got off the couch and made my way to Louis door and press my ear to the door. I could barely hear them but i could make out what they were saying little by little. It surpised me what they were talking about so i backed away. Niall is a fucking fag.

Louis POV

Hazza yelled at me and Niall to quiet talking so i asked Niall if he want to go to my room to talk. In the end we both end up lying down and cuddleing in my bed. When i said i like Nialler over Haz, I was not lieing. I liked Niall since we got put in a band togather and i love second we spend togather  and not even Liam will break this bromance. Yes i am bi but i told the boys and they acted werid at first but then they got use to me checking out boys and girls so it all good.

"Hey Lou.....Can I tell you something?"asked the innocent little Nialler

"You can tell me anything my Nialler"I said while brushing away some of his hair in his face.

"Ummmmmm...I-I G-g-a-ay" Niall looked like he was scared i was going to yell at him or even hit this angel infront of me.

"That is awesome Niall. Who do you like and don't lie to me" I really want to know who the lucky guy is and i hope he treats him well.

"I like Harry  and please dont run away after i say this and I like you t-"

Before he could finish i cut him off with my lips and before you could say "Carrot" he started to kiss back.

"Hey Lou, Can I as- What the hall are you doing?" Liam came in and before we could pull apart and now i am sitting with my face all read and my head hanging low, Niall looks like he wants to cry and run away at the sametime.

"Liam, buddy what are you yelling about now" asked Zayn as he made his we into my bedroom door. Zayn fially walked in and saw me and Niall. Silence was all you could hear. Finally something broke the silence.

"Mr.Horan and Mr.Tomlinson are fags" everybodys heads turn to see who was the one that said that  disrespectful word and it surpised me more but i felt bad for Niall because it was the other lucky guy he had a crush on yes the....



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