Chapter 17: Back to Recovery?

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Circling, once again, the dog gave me an evil look. I thought the demon dog was dead, but apparently he was just knocked out from a severe lost of blood.

After several seconds of deciding where to attack my body, he immediately made the quickest move towards his target, which was me.

I clench the piece of wood as tight as possible.


The dog ran towards me and tried to push me down once again.

I took the large piece of wood and hit it on the side of its rib cage as if I was playing baseball.

The dog fell on the cold floor as hard as possible.  Reacting to such pain and agony, it started to limp.

However, it forced itself to remain strong enough to defeat me.

But I wasn't having it..

Without warning it jumped up at me and bit the wood, while snatching it out of my hand.

"MERIDA HURRY !!! All the souls are almost up !!" Mabel shouted impatiently.

How was I going to defend myself now? I have no weapon to defend myself.

Thinking quickly, I remembered something very helpful.

I have holy water in my backpack.

In a rush I took my bag off, and reached inside for the holy water.

"Take this, you bastard."

I threw the holy water all over the dog.

It started to make a cry of pain


It's flesh began to burn off of its body slowly.

But the dog was still trying to attack me.
It was failing to do so.

I took the bible off of the table and read the same words I read to the demon.

אלוהים הוא כל! הוא חי בי! קבלתי"הוא כל! הוא חי "בי.

I'm Hebrew I said "GOD IS ALL ! HE LIVES IN ME !"
Three times.

The dog flesh began to fall off of him, he became weaker.
Within sixty seconds, his body burst into flames.
Black dust covered the part of the floor as if nothing happened.

I ran over there to Michaels body and dragged him close to where Mabel was.

Mabel took Michaels soul, and gently laid him back into his own body.

But Michael wasn't waking up...

"MICHEAL !!"  I yelled, as tears began to fill my eyes.

I shook him back and forth, but he wasn't waking up.

I put my hands on my face and began to cry.

I was too late ..

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