Chapter 1

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I was 15 when the biggest jerk I've ever met moved in next door. I was already mad that our old neighbors, The Wilkinson's moved away. They were the greatest neighbors we ever had. They were this elderly couple. Not too old. Maybe late 60's. Mrs. Wilkinson would invite the neighbor kids to barbeques and they would watch me after school when I was a kid. So, when they announced they were moving into a retirement home the whole neighborhood was shocked. The week before they moved one of our neighbors threw a BBQ party. It was a great way to say goodbye to them. I even visit them once in a while like a lot of our neighbors do just to see how they're doing.

But, having them replaced by JACKSON NELSON was the worst thing to ever happen to me and possibly a few other neighbors.

The moment I saw that boy I hated him with a passion. That became positive once I met him. He's a real pain in the ass.

He is a flirt, bad boy you could almost say, and the biggest jerk to ever walk the planet. I hated him. We were both freshmen's. New to the difficult life as High School students. So, I wasn't ready to deal with that type of thing yet.

He's really good looking, I will admit.

The day his family moved in I was outside playing basketball with my older brother. We were just goofing around when the moving trucks arrived along with a minivan car behind it. All stopping at the house next door.

My brother, Trent, sighed. He wasn't happy about getting new neighbors after The Wilkinson's. "Can you believe this?" Trent said. "New neighbors!"

I grabbed the basketball which was laying on the pavement of our driveway, putting it under my arm. "It was bound to happen sooner or later." I said.

A woman stepped out of the driver's seat of the minivan. She looked nice and was very pretty. She was followed by an older boy. Had to have graduated High School. A younger boy, most likely in elementary school stepped out of the backseat and ran towards the house.

"If you're going inside take a box with you!" The woman called out to him. The older boy at the same time carried two large boxes. The older boy and younger boy walked into the house with their boxes. The woman turned around back towards the car. "Jackson, we are not doing this now!"

There he was.

He stepped out of the back seat with a sigh. He was wearing a red hoodie and black converse sneakers. Just by looking at him I knew he was going to have an impact on my life. He looked about my age.

"I don't want to be here." He whined.

The woman sighed. "I don't have time for this. We need to unload and start unpacking as fast as possible."

He sighed and crossed his arms. "I hate your job."

"Well, it's putting food in your mouth and a roof over your head." She sighed. "Grab a box and go inside."

He walked to a moving truck which was right between our houses and grabbed a box. He noticed that Trent and I were watching him. He just huffed and walked back towards the house and went inside.

"Wow." Trent said, his eyes wide. "He'll be trouble." Without another word he snatched the ball out of my grip and began dribbling it. I started running around, trying to block him.

As we played our little sister, Chloe stepped out of our house holding a cool aid pouch. She was six at the time and wicked adorable. She had her hair in a ponytail and just sat on the front steps of the porch and watched us with a smile.

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