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"Say your vows." The minister said, standing between James and Tracey.

"I, James Robert Nelson promise to care and watch over you. I'll hold onto you as if you were an antique because I love you." James vowed.

Jackson was the best man and sat in the first row along with some other members of his family who were involved and his new nephew, Jackson sitting on his lap. They named the baby after the man who went throughout life's ups and downs but found a way to make it through no matter how bad.

Kim sat a few rows behind Jackson.

Jackson held tight to his nephew, bouncing him lightly on his knee as the ceremony went on.

"And I, Tracey Sarah Wakefield promise to do the same as we work in an equal partnership."

The minister focused his attention on James. "Do you, James Robert Nelson, take Tracey Sarah Wakefield to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, in good times and bad, for richer or for poorer, keeping yourself unto her as long as you both shall live?"

James smiled as he took Tracey's hands tight in his and looked into her eyes. "I do."

Tracey smiled as the minster read it to her. "I do." She couldn't remove the smile that had crossed over her face.

The minister turned to James. "You may now kiss the bride."

James didn't hesitate as he placed his hands on Tracey's cheeks, kissing her. When they pulled away they hugged each other tightly.

Everyone started to leave the church and headed to the ball room they have rented out at a nearby hotel where most of the family will be staying.

Jackson stood up, still holding the baby. "Hey, bud. You enjoy your first wedding?" Jackson said to his nephew. Baby Jackson yawned before slowly falling asleep in Jackson's arms. "I'll take that as a yes." He gave the baby a kiss on the head and headed over to Kim who was also walking towards him.

"Hey." She said when they got to each other.

"Hey." Jackson said and pecked her lips gently, trying not to wake up Baby Jackson. "I'm on baby duty."

"You enjoying it?"

Jackson nodded and cradled the baby. "Yeah, I love this kid."

"That's great."

"I love being an uncle. I want one of these."

"You want a baby?"

He shrugged then nodded with a smile. "Someday."

"Jackson." His Mom said as she walked over to them. "The baby will be driving with you so please be careful."

"Okay, I promise, Mom."

"Aww." Jackson's Mom said and kissed the baby on the cheek, trying not to disturb him. "I'll see you guys soon." She kissed Baby Jackson's nose before leaving with Dirk.

Jackson turned to Kim. "You want to help me buckle him up? That buckle is like fixing a tank. Takes forever."

She laughed and nodded. "Yeah. I can do it in no time."

"Great." Jackson said before they exited the church and headed to the parking lot where a lot of family and close friends talked about the wedding and their memories with James and Tracey.

Jackson tried to grab his keys out of his pocket but found it difficult while carrying a baby.

Kim reached over and grabbed the baby. "I got him." Jackson helped pass him over to her before achieving at getting the keys out of his pocket.

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