Chapter 12

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I was never really the one who would go to parties during the weekend and this one was no exception. It was Friday night and Lacey wanted me to go to this party at some guy's house but I refused. I would rather stay home with a nice book to read than parade around at some party looking for a hook up.

Chloe had a dance recital tonight. Mom and Dad went but I decided to stay home along with Trent. I think they let us get away with skipping this stuff is because we are beyond stressed out with school at the moment. Me a bit more than Trent. I'm just so nervous for the tests that are coming up and I have no idea what Trent's doing in college but I knew he should be studying or something.

Trent is spending the weekend with us. Ever since his roommate got this girlfriend Trent says that he gets kicked out of the dorm room most weekends and has to crash with someone. He eventually decided just to come home on the weekends instead of staying on the campus all weekend.

Trent and I were sitting in the living watching some TV show on the television.

Everything was silent when Trent spoke up. "Want to go out for dinner or something?"

I nodded. "Yeah. Sure."

"Okay." He said and got up. "Grab your jacket."

"Okay." I got up and walked over to the coat hanger and grabbed my hoodie. I don't do heavy coats or jackets. Neither does Trent. "When did Mom and Dad say they'd get home?" I asked as I put on my hoodie.

Trent put his hoodie on. "Mom said maybe around ten. I guess it's a long recital."

"Okay. Where we going?"


I nodded. "Yeah. That's cool."

"Okay." He said while zipping up. "I'll grab my wallet and we can go."

I nodded and he headed to our room to grab his wallet.

"Thanks." We both said as our waitress handed us our drinks.

"So, how's school?" Trent asked me before taking a sip of his diet coke.

"It's okay."

"Jay bugging you?"

I shook my head. "Not for a while actually." I paused. "How's college going?"

"Pretty good." He said. "I met this girl. She's pretty cool."



I smiled and crossed my arms. "You finally got a girlfriend."

He shook his head. "No. She's just a girl who happens to be my friend and is pretty attractive. It's nothing."

"You should ask her out."

He shook his head then looked down at his soda, his thumbs rubbing the sides of the glass. "I can't do that."

"Why not?"

He let out a breath. "I don't know if she's attracted to me."

"You don't know unless you try."

He looked up at me. "I'm going to give it some time. Wait until the time is right." He looked down and chuckled. "I really like her."

"Give it another month or two."

He nodded. "I'm already planning on doing that."

Our waitress came back and took our orders before we started talking again.

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