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    A female’s laughter rung in my ears. Her face appeared to me. She looked like An ancient Egyptian woman. Around the age of 24 or so, and godly beautiful; yet she terrified me. A tall Tiara crown with large jewels flashed on her head. She smiled showing white sharp fangs. Then suddenly she was holding someone’s heart and drank the blood from it.


(Oh my child don't be frightened) She whispered with an evil bloody grin, with blood dripping off her chin. Her eyes started glowing a lime green color and she chuckled.


(I won’t harm you, I'm your friend)


Suddenly Les tats face came out from the darkness and the ancient woman's expression turned cold and she hissed at me. (Hes mine.... Leave Les tat to me.... Hes mine) Then with a final scream from the Egyptian lady I flung up clammy and wet.


"Holy shit, that cant be normal!" i breathed looking around the room. I got up and ran a hand through my hair and stared at my reflection in the mirror on my dresser.


"Oh man, what the hell is going on." I said to myself putting my hair up in a bun.


I stripped because i was sweating and went to the bathroom. Again i glanced at my reflection and noticed with the lighting that i was extremely pale. I looked like i indeed had seen my own death in front of me.  The ancient woman's eyes placed themselves on mine. and i flinched back shaking my head.



(OK Cheri, you gotta find out whats going on, either you die trying or you die from a freaking heart attack in the of the night) I thought.






I decided to take a cool bath. I lay ed there thinking about what to do. (I could go see Les tat again at the club.... No no no, I'd pr obs get murdered that time by the freakish blood suckers.)  I made a hopeless sigh and sucked on my cheek annoyed. (What if I wrote Les tat a letter or something... No that would take too long. He gets thousands of obsessive fan letters)


"This is hopeless." I said out loud sliding up in the tub and smacked the water with my hands.


Then it came to me (Les tat wants to encounter again)


"Oh so I guess mission suicide is still an option"


(Still who was that woman in my nightmare, I’ve never seen her before in my life.)


"UH, please don't tell me have a pissed off Cleopatra on my ass. Jesus it couldn't be someone actually alive!" I got out bitching and mumbling to myself. Put a robe on and went and sat back in bed.


I pulled a short Edgar Allen Poe book out and turned to the page where the poem "The Raven", was. Not long after I drifted off into sleep land, and for once i dreamed of nothing, just blankness overtook me. 

The Dark Lover Lestat Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now