Chapter One

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*Jack's Point Of View*

*Beep beep beep*
I awoke to the sound of my annoying alarm as usual. Normally I would snooze it, but today was special, I'm going to pax prime and I get to see by best friend Mark. It will be the first time I see him in real life instead of through a computer. I couldn't contain how excited I was so I ended squealing like a little school girl with a crush. Crap I've been laying in my bed for 5 minutes now its 5:10. It takes about 10 minutes to walk to the airport, so I had enough time to take a shower.

~ time skip in till he's at the airport ~

When I arrived I was stopped by two fans who were also going to pax, they asked for a picture so I stopped and posed for a selfie with them, but now I only had 10 minutes in till I have to board the plane at 6 am. To pass the time I went on Twitter.

@Jack_Septic_Eye r
Leaving to for Seattle, Washington! See you there markimoo @markiplier

Once I sent that tweet out my twitter was full of septiplier tweetes, I just smiled and laughed at what they were saying. I noticed Mark tweeted back saying

@markiplier  see you there jackaboy ;) @Jack_Septic_Eye

Over the intercom I heard a woman say " we're now boarding flight 124 to Seattle Washington"

I walked over to the terminal and boarded the plane, time for an 8 hour 10 minute plane ride (yes I looked that up). I decided to watch some of Marks videos but fell asleep very quickly, was it his soothing sexy voice that made me fall asleep, wait no I'm not gay why am I having these kind of thoughts about him.

I awoke to the pilot saying "Welcome to Seattle Washington! Please stay seated until we land.

I texted Mark I was landing because he was the one picking me up and bring me to the hotel.

~ Time Skip In till Landing ~

Once I landed and I was in the airport I texted Mark to find his whereabouts, I heard a phone ding right behind me and I turned around to be greeted by Mark's strong arms wrap around me pulling me into a hug. I hugged him back but after a little bit we both pulled away.

" Hey jack its nice to see outside of a screen" he joked around

" Yea it is, so where is the hotel" I said. I was surprised that standing next to him made me quiet and shy, why?

"Yeah about that," he said nervously scratching his neck, "Well they messed up our rooms so Bob and Wade are going to share a room and they said you and I can share a room, is that alright?"

"Oh yeah that's fine! I knew we shouldn't have let Wade take care of the rooms!"

I found myself laughing at my own joke

"Great, But that's what we get for leaving Wade a little of responsibility!"

He said jokingly and very happy.

" here let me help you with your bags." He said kindly

Wow he's so kind and nice.

"Oh no you don't have to, I can manage it myself"

"No let me help, you have a lot with you and you also had a long flight here"

He just kept insisting so I let him. He called a cab and we went to hotel. We got our keys to the hotel it seemed nice when we walked into our but there was one problem, there was only one king size bed. So either we share a bed or just someone sleeps on the couch.

" I can take the couch " I said hoping he wouldn't mind that.

"No no I can take the couch I've slept on worse unless you want to share a bed, I mean we don't have to if you don't want to..."

He sounded nervous asking that, does he want to share a bed with me, does he like me?! That can't be true I mean he's sweet and his voice is very soothing and he looks like he's good to cuddle with, why am I having these thoughts, am I gay? No I can't be.

"Uh-uhh ummm yeah we can share a bed" I must sound like a stuttering idiot to him, I mean he's my best friend it won't be that awkward will it?

"Great, ummm so want to go out to eat because its 7:00 pm and I bet you've had nothing to eat or you can sleep because you've had a long flight here" He was so cheery how could I say no to going out to eat with him and give up sleep .

"Lets go out and eat. I'm starving!" He laughed and poked my stomach

" How about Applebee's?" He suggested

"What's that?" I must sound like and idiot

"Well its a good restaurant and I think you'll like it" I could tell he was shocked that I didn't know what Applebee's was, oh well.

"Let's go then" I said

Mark called a cab and asked to bring us to Applebee's, but the driver was a fan of us so he asked if septiplier was real I could feel my cheeks burning red with a dark blush. I hope Mark doesn't see because of he does I will be so embarrassed.

"No, but who knows it could be real soon... I'm just kidding."

Was he hinting he liked me what was even going on! I stayed the silent the entire way there in till Mark put his hand on my knee and said,

" Hey you alright, you're very quiet."

"Yea I'm fine just tired"

I lied I just hoped he didn't notice that I was lying. We got to Applebee's and I went to pay the cab driver but he said no charge because he's a huge fan. We walked in and went got our seats and menus there was so much to order so I order what Mark ordered, the sirloin steak with a glass of water.

~ Time Skip In till They Get Their Check ~

The waiter walked by and gave us our bill it came to about $30 I told Mark I'll pay but he said no and said his treat, I didn't argue because I know he would've won. The waiter took his money and tip and gave receipt there was something scribbled on it, "to mark call me 315-464-4732;)". I got a pretty jealous for some reason he laughed it off and just threw it away.

~ Time Skip In till At Hotel ~

I was exhausted and once we got to our hotel room I changed into my night clothes and flopped down on the bed but a couple seconds I watched Mark walking shirtless and like always pant less, but I was surprised that he asked, " Is it okay if I sleep in my boxers?"

I didn't care because he looked sexy shirtless, why am I still having these thoughts!? But I was a little to quick to respond with a simple "yeah its fine". He climbed into the other side of the bed and I fell asleep a bit before Mark did. I swear if he took a picture of me I will be pissed.

Thanks for reading the first chapter! I hoped you liked it but damn this was 1255 words long! See you in the next chapter! ~markimoola

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