Chapter 8. Just a prank

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Thank you @ElixirEisha For the lovely banner

Happy New Years everyone, who did you kiss? I kissed my pizza. Lmao


I wake up in my bed, not in a forest

How did I get here? When did I get here

Instantly I raise my head to see Jayden leaning against the wall arms folding his arms standing and looking me up and down

You know not creepy at all....

"What happened?" I say rubbing my head and yawning, he sucks in a breath

"Nothing happend.... Just some kids playing a prank"

"Oh" I say, I didn't know weather to believe him or weather not to

"I just came to tell you it was a prank....I guess I should leave now" he says rolling his shoulders back and looks me up and down

He starts to do that thing when he lies

"How do you know?" I ask curiously, he looks down to the ground

"They where kids trying to scare us.. Nothing else" he says, he turns around and walks off

"Wait Jayden, how did I get back here?"

"I carried you" he winks, I furrow my eyebrows

Really wow. I am heavy !

"Um, thanks" I say, he nods and walks out, I face plant into the pillow but am rudely irrupted by my phone buzzing

I huff and reach over to my phone

Unknown: pretty boy isn't so pretty when he lies xx


Sitting down and drinking the life out of my Starbucks coffee, I was still confused

Pretty boy isn't so pretty when he lies

It played over and over again in my head

Was that the person chasing me? Was it really not a prank and Jayden was lying, was Jayden supposed to be pretty boy in the text? Why did someone send me that?

The girls where 1 minute late, were where they?

Finally I see Cailin rushing in and looking around like a lost puppy until she sees me, she runs over giving me a hug then sits down

"Where's Kayla?" I ask, she shrugs and looks at her phone smirking, she probably got a cute text from Sam

Just then Kayla comes in and sits down next to us

"Okay so you called" she says, Cailin laughs,

I nod my head and then just as I was going to open up my mouth I hear a loud scream

Everyone turns there heads,

Red hot fire blazed around the shop and spreading on the furniture, people scream and grab there children, grey smoke comes around making our eyes water and everyone starts to cough, the sound alarms go crazy!

Why was there fire? Who did this?

"Everybody get out!" A shop owner screams opening the exit door, everyone runs out

I stay back to make sure that everyone was out before me, just as I run to the door, the door slams and parts of the roof falls in front of me

I was stuck

I turned my head to see I was the only person left, there was no more exit doors beside the one that is covered by fire

Something large hits my head and I fall to the ground , while darkness surrounds me.


Beep. Beep. Beep

I wake up to see I'm in a white room, obviously a hospital

My throat burns and my head aches

A nurse who was standing next to me gives me a glass of water and I take it and gulp it down

"Thank you" I squeak and then start to cough

"It's okay, I'm gonna phone your family , I just need to ask you some question first" she smiles, I nod my head and place the cup down

"How old are you"


"What day is it today?"


"What's your name"

"Caroline Leah Jamieson" I say, she nods her head and then walks out

My phone buzzes on the bench

I pick it up and see heaps of messages from family, but one text stands out

Unknown: that was a warning for you to keep your mouth shut xx


Okay so who do you think the Unknown is? And why they are doing it

I am so sorry if this book is getting boring !! Just stay with me here, it will get better by the end!!

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