Chapter 12: the party

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"I've never been to one of these parties" I admit, Josh smiles

"It's fun don't worry" he says, I nod my head

The party wasn't like a house party at night.. No it was like those parties outside where there's a bridge next to it and everyone is jumping off and partying

Josh passes me a red cup, I gladly take it and start to drink some

"Come on let's jump off it" Josh says takin off his shirt

And damn did he have a good body, he was tanned and toned as hell , he really kept up in shape

I feel someone watching me, I look over to see Jayden with his arms crossed and leaning against a tree while smoking, he looks over to Josh and then his jaws clench  and his arms muscles flex, he looks me up and down and looks away


I leave on my singlet and take of my pants leaving me in panties,

I didn't feel uncomfortable as all the other girls where in bra and panties jumping off, plus I didn't wanna be walking around in wet clothes

Josh grabs my hand and looks at me, we stand at the edge off the bridge whil everyone cheers us on

"Ready?" He says, I nod my head   "3......2.....1... Jump!"

We both jump down, I felt scared as I jumped off, but as I hit the water I felt okay

I didn't die. Phew

I come up to surface, breathing heavily and laughing

I look around for Josh, but I can't see him.. Oh my god

"Josh?... Josh... JOSH!!" I scream, I try and search the water splashing and looking in the water but I couldn't find him

"Oh my god! Josh!!"

Someone grabs my waist and I scream, I look behind to see a laughing Josh

I smack him

"You scared me! Where did u go!?!"

"I went to fetch these"

he holds up my panties, I look down and see I don't have any on, they must off fallen off as I hit the water, my cheeks turn red off embarrassment, I grab them and quickly slip them on

"I won't tell anyone" he laughs, I nod and start to swim to shore embarrassed as hell

As we get out of the water, he grabs his towel and wraps it around me, I smile and start to dry off , I then put on my clothes as does he

Some loud DJ music starts to play, I look up and see a DJ

"Are we ready to party!!!!" The DJ yells through the mic, everyone looks over and starts jumping up and down

"Yes!!" Everyone screams, the DJ nods and starts turning it up louder so I could feel the ground moving and the music bumping through my heart

Josh smiles and grabs my hand, he pulls me near the crowd and starts jumping up and down

"Come on, dance" Josh yells as the music turns up louder, I look down to the ground

"I um, I don't know" I say, but of course he doesn't hear me

He grabs my arms and pulls me so we both jump up

"Come on, it's nothing to be afraid off, just dance" he smiles

I look to my side to see Jayden sitting on his motorcycle with a drink in his hand watching everyone dance

"Of course you don't... You never want to do anything that goes against the rules" he smirks, I make my mouth go into a O shape

I look away from Jayden and start to dance, I can do it

"You know what! I can go against the rules!" I say putting on the helmet and getting on the motorbike, he smirks and nods his head.

Someone taps my shoulder, I spin around and see Kayla

"Kayla what are you doing here?" I ask stunned, that's when I remember.. Kayla is a party animal, dah

"What are you doing here? " she says, she has her arms folded

"I'm dancing and partying" I laugh, she furrows her eyebrows in confusion

"You hate partys, and you never dance... Caroline what is happening to you?" She says, I gasp in disgust

"Nothing is happening to me, come on let's dance" I say all to quickly, Kayla gasps and nods then starts dancing with me

We starts to dance, while Kayla grinds on some random, then Josh joins our dancing

Someone yanks me towards them

"What!" I say to however grabbed my arm, I look up and see Jayden. "What do you want, to tell me the kiss wasn't a mistake?"

"No, look.. You can't be with Josh" he says, I laugh and roll my eyes

"You can't tell me what to do, stop being jealous, your the one who told me.. That the kiss was a mistake, and now I'm with Josh partying, you get all jealous? Just go away" I say and try to push him, but he is too mussily so he doesn't move

"I'm not being jealouse, Car.. I'm looking out for you, Josh is bad an-"

"God your like an annoying mosquito that just won't go away" I laugh, he clenches his jaw and looks away

"Well if that's all you think of me, as an annoying mosquito, I'll gladly leave, just remember when I tried to look out for you, you told me to leave... Don't expect me to come back and look out for you" he says and with that he is gone

Why is everyone, blaming me? I wasn't doing anything wrong

I roll my eyes and stomp off

"I'm gonna go now" I say to Josh and Kayla as I reach them, he nods

"I'll take you home" he smiles

Josh wasn't bad, he was a gentleman, Jayden was jealous


Who thinks Jayden is right that Josh is bad... Or who thinks Jayden is jelly?

1000 words :0

So Caroline and Jayden's ship name is Carden :)

Oh and who thinks Caroline was being to much of a drama queen?

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